[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

The South is what you get with "conservative values". That in itself is enough to get far away from conservatardism.

Are you speaking from fist hand experience having visited the south...or are you claiming expertise having looked on Google earth?
well, it's not a "conspiracy" anymore, and it's not "debunked". the emails have been verified as 100% legit. that means Joe Biden met with the big dick of Burisma in Washington less than a year before he extorted the ukraine government with 1 billion taxpayer dollars to fire shokin as a favor to Burisma, and the meeting was set up by his son porno hunter biden

EXCLUSIVE: NY Post Hunter Biden Email 100% Authentic, Forensic Analysis Concludes | The Daily Caller

which means that the president was impeached for trying to uncover the truth.

and some of you stupid motherfuckers will still vote for creepy joe, which makes no sense at all. :shrug:
well, it's not a "conspiracy" anymore, and it's not "debunked". the emails have been verified as 100% legit. that means Joe Biden met with the big dick of Burisma in Washington less than a year before he extorted the ukraine government with 1 billion taxpayer dollars to fire shokin as a favor to Burisma, and the meeting was set up by his son porno hunter biden

EXCLUSIVE: NY Post Hunter Biden Email 100% Authentic, Forensic Analysis Concludes | The Daily Caller

fuck you had to say "big dick" didn't you? Now kale is going to fly into a spastic masturbation spree (emphasis on the REEEEEEE)
Fun Fact: If naptown was stupid he would be serving no less than 40 years in prison right now. Nap is the real deal, and like a God to me. Hey nap. Remember a certain problem that mysteriously solved itself while back? You are welcome man. :sunny:

Smart people have guns and know people with backhoes.
well, it's not a "conspiracy" anymore, and it's not "debunked". the emails have been verified as 100% legit. that means Joe Biden met with the big dick of Burisma in Washington less than a year before he extorted the ukraine government with 1 billion taxpayer dollars to fire shokin as a favor to Burisma, and the meeting was set up by his son porno hunter biden

EXCLUSIVE: NY Post Hunter Biden Email 100% Authentic, Forensic Analysis Concludes | The Daily Caller

which means that the president was impeached for trying to uncover the truth.

and some of you stupid motherfuckers will still vote for creepy joe, which makes no sense at all. :shrug:

well, it's not a "conspiracy" anymore, and it's not "debunked". the emails have been verified as 100% legit. that means Joe Biden met with the big dick of Burisma in Washington less than a year before he extorted the ukraine government with 1 billion taxpayer dollars to fire shokin as a favor to Burisma, and the meeting was set up by his son porno hunter biden

EXCLUSIVE: NY Post Hunter Biden Email 100% Authentic, Forensic Analysis Concludes | The Daily Caller

which means that the president was impeached for trying to uncover the truth.

and some of you stupid motherfuckers will still vote for creepy joe, which makes no sense at all. :shrug:

lol the dailycaller tuckers retarded site

My homework vanished bro
Backhoes are nice.

I know a guy that used to lay water main. Said he got the the jobsite early one day to find the owner burying something RIDICULOUSLY deep right under where a new main was going in. We're talking as deep as the machine would go, like 25 feet down. The main was to be 10 feet down, and was later paved over...

Said he was very careful not to cross him after that. Good to know a dude with a backhoe.
More debunking!

Graham used the DKIM signature within the email to verify with a private key on Google’s servers that the sender, recipient, subject, date and body of the message that the DCNF obtained from Giuliani were unchanged from when the email was originally sent in April 2015.

Graham said the only way the email could have been faked is if someone hacked into Google’s servers, found the private key and used it to reverse engineer the email’s DKIM signature.

EXCLUSIVE: NY Post Hunter Biden Email 100% Authentic, Forensic Analysis Concludes | The Daily Caller
Ah yes, the "women aren't people" defense.

How is the weather in Saudi Arabia today?

Have you jerked off your camel yet this morning?

Allahu akbar!

Conservative women are awesome.

Brainwashed liberal women who cry when their soy latte has too much foam aren't real women, they're a poor excuse for an adult who was never forced to grow up and actually deal with life.

How do you spot a liberal woman?

Fat, ugly, and has colored hair, probably a piercing somewhere that makes no sense, and typically has the worst tattoos anyone has ever seen.

I've attached a couple pictures of these "women"






Even ole cokehead Hunter Biden probably bangs Republican women