[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

This is just like the black mayor in New Orleans

who is suffering from Big City bug chasers infecting her area like Palm Beach underwent after Spring Break.

You knew what this was.......where this was going

but you didn't care because your local hotels and tourism industry loves the money (this is who and what you actually work for). You didn't want to shut down Mardi Gras and continued to promote it even though you knew the risks. Now that it is over, the event is over, the money is gone, you want to cry like a little bitch and act like you are the victim. That this isn't the end result of bad health choices and literally pimping your area out to non-natives/tourists/foreigners in hopes of them dropping crumbs for you to feast off of for the rest of the year.

That's where I have issue with Trump tbh, he cared more about the GDP hit than our nation. He didn't want to shut off flights from China, but eventually did, at least in theory, because it was going to hurt his big trade deal discussions and make us lose money during Chinese New Year. Where those disgusting bat/rat/ant eater bastards keep getting caught doing this all over the world

Strucker ðŸ¦*🇮🇱 on Twitter:

There is 12 videos I promise nobody will ever show you on the alleged News.

I almost feel like they were told to spread this around like litle carrier monkeys knowing damn well that border enforcement, any enforcement, regarding illegals or immigrants is our true Achilles heel.

I think this is where his gambling streak got the best of him. He figured the odds wrong. He knew there was a chance - who knows what he calculated the odds at. Probably something like a 1 in 100 chance that this would be the outcome. I don't think he could even picture what was knocking on the door. So, I agree with you. He made some decisions like a gambler and came up with a bad beat. I will forgive him for also betting that the USA would react in an instant to produce a cure or whatever was needed. He overestimated our ability. We are brash and ballsy in the US and that is one of the reasons we are strong. But, we are just organic beings like everyone else in the face of a virus.

On the other hand, we shouldn't be relying on a president for our pandemic protocol
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we need ideas for the next travel ban we need to stop this virus in its tracks, something really effect maybe fiji they are price gouging on water
I think this is where his gambling streak got the best of him. He figured the odds wrong. He knew there was a chance - who knows what he calculated the odds at. Probably something like a 1 in 100 chance that this would be the outcome. I don't think he could even picture what was knocking on the door. So, I agree with you. He made some decisions like a gambler and came up with a bad beat. I will forgive him for also betting that the USA would react in an instant to produce a cure or whatever was needed. He overestimated our ability. We are brash and ballsy in the US and that is one of the reasons we are strong. But, we are just organic beings like everyone else in the face of a virus.

It's not a 'bad beat,' he's historically wrong when making big decisions.
they should have called him a hero for the decisive and effective travel ban against china

instead they called him a racist and asked him why he didn't bother making tests or stockpiling ventilators :(
He shouldn't need to be making simple pandemic protocol decisions.
I am done with you folks who can't take your eyes off Trump. :lol:
You are truly insane.
The Right Side Broadcasting version has 15k watching. The comments are funny, they are scrolling faster than one can read.
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I am not sure why Trump's advisors talked him down from the quarantine. And make no mistake, the POTUS has 100% legal authority right now to lock down any state he chooses. States cannot stop him. I think in a few weeks, the media will blame him for not doing it.
if only we could lock down new york that will keep the rest of the country from catching it

this time will work for sure !
if only we could lock down new york that will keep the rest of the country from catching it

this time will work for sure !

dude, you have been reposting the same fucking thing all day.

Tell us what you would do if you were in charge right now.