[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

SAN ANTONIO, Texas — Roughly 300 Congolese and Angolan citizens who arrived in San Antonio the first week of June after crossing the U.S.-Mexico border days earlier have all briskly departed the city for destinations across the country, some with fuzzy plans based partly on hope.

The hundreds of family members and single adults from Central Africa first showed up June 4 at the southern border’s Eagle Pass and Del Rio towns in south-central Texas. The migrants surrendered to Border Patrol agents and claimed asylum after crossing the Rio Grande

Texas will be blue by 2024
SAN ANTONIO, Texas — Roughly 300 Congolese and Angolan citizens who arrived in San Antonio the first week of June after crossing the U.S.-Mexico border days earlier have all briskly departed the city for destinations across the country, some with fuzzy plans based partly on hope.

The hundreds of family members and single adults from Central Africa first showed up June 4 at the southern border’s Eagle Pass and Del Rio towns in south-central Texas. The migrants surrendered to Border Patrol agents and claimed asylum after crossing the Rio Grande

Texas will be blue by 2024

I dunno bro. The blacks are waking up and the Mexicans are big time Catholics and don’t like abortion.

Republicans are starting to win the minorities as they are becoming the party represent sanity and workers.

You want transgender bathrooms and high taxes, vote Dems.

I just don’t see that working...
Texas Governor Tells Pompeo His State Wont Accept New Refugees in 2020 - Sara A. Carter

Trump executive order more refugees to san antonio!!

Texas will not take part in the resettlement of refugees in 2020, according to Texas Governor Greg Abbott (R), who informed U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo of his decision Friday in a letter.

The letter was written in response to President Trump’s Executive Order 13888, which deals with enhancing state involvement in refugee resettlement.

Trump basically hillary 2.0 now

Need to get more governors on board with this letter writing.
SAN ANTONIO, Texas — Roughly 300 Congolese and Angolan citizens who arrived in San Antonio the first week of June after crossing the U.S.-Mexico border days earlier have all briskly departed the city for destinations across the country, some with fuzzy plans based partly on hope.

The hundreds of family members and single adults from Central Africa first showed up June 4 at the southern border’s Eagle Pass and Del Rio towns in south-central Texas. The migrants surrendered to Border Patrol agents and claimed asylum after crossing the Rio Grande

Texas will be blue by 2024

Naw pretty sure they went to California or New Yerk
Never to be seen or heard from again... until their children can vote

take first generational voters out of the picture and see how well Burnya does.
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this is the big new talking point on leftist twitter today

I'm like how can this world get anymore dumb and dishonest than what I see the Trump administration failing miserably to do with Iran

The biggest downer to me is that I voted Trump to send a message. The message should be pretty clear. Many of us are completely dissatisfied with our politicians and the choices we get. DC in particular. I would think that both the republican and democrat parties would have heard us loud and clear.

I was really hoping that both sides would have put an effort into finding some viable new, moderate, fiscally conservative candidates who focus on the middle class and the general well-being of the country.

Nope. It's douche and giant turd over and over again.

I would take the opportunity to vote other than Trump in the upcoming election if some semblance of sanity returned to the table. Nope. Doesn't appear to be in the cards. The dem party is a complete joke represented by some of the most horrible people in the world - the mainstream media. The tactics they have created to control the base is abominable. The republicans have plenty of good people but they tend to tow the line and fail to step up.

I am not quite sure what we need to do to. An old saying comes to mind - "You can't polish a turd". Sad but true.
SAN ANTONIO, Texas — Roughly 300 Congolese and Angolan citizens who arrived in San Antonio the first week of June after crossing the U.S.-Mexico border days earlier have all briskly departed the city for destinations across the country, some with fuzzy plans based partly on hope.

The hundreds of family members and single adults from Central Africa first showed up June 4 at the southern border’s Eagle Pass and Del Rio towns in south-central Texas. The migrants surrendered to Border Patrol agents and claimed asylum after crossing the Rio Grande

Texas will be blue by 2024

How can you be an african 'migrant' at the southern border of the U.S.?
what do you mean? you can either vote for the jewish guy or you can vote for irael! let your voice be heard

I'm glad to see someone finally frame it this way

This year has proved to me one thing......

We were never going to be represented.......there is no MAGA

only the maggots and parasites fighting over our :flag: corpse.

It's always been a choice between growing Zionism (with people like Trump)

or growing Socialism.....with the end goal of Communism under neo-Bolsheviks (like Bernie)


The only thing that has changed is that we are now taking off the mask of this reality and taking bigger and bigger steps in either extreme. Which aren't really extreme at all because they always benefit one group of (((people))).

Trump was the chaos candidate alright......same way we are the chaos country to destabilize the entire world to sell more weapons, overthrow regimes, and maintain our petro dollar status at ANY COST.

You know who celebrated the death of Iran's Qasem Soleimani the most?


ISIS gained by his death more than anyone else in the region (other than Israel).

We are fighting the people who are trying to fight them in the region.

We are now Israel's hit man

While pretending we invaded this region to fight against ISIS types.

No, we fight for them just like we did in Syria. Iraq-Syria aspect being part of their name also makes perfect sense now.

When I saw Trump retweeting other posts confirming this idea last week, like our embassy was selling these radical groups more weapons, I wasn't sure if I was more shocked or outraged. Really it was complete disbelief that they would so openly admit it the way they did.

We fight for instability and chaos in regions we don't control because without that control we no longer can have value or anything to offer the world. We only have weapons and a reserve currency status propped up on others cheap oil. We have nothing else as a country or vision.

That's why after two decades in Iraq we said we wanted to give them Democracy, but instead their DEMOCRACY kicked us out. The majority spoke. Now we admit that we don't give a fuck about their sovereignty or Democracy but our reign and complete influence in this region. Yet I am told to give a fuck about what Russia did in Afghanistan (that we repeated) and what Russia did when they annexed Crimea.

Yeah boohhooooooo get new talking points.

We are 100% no different now and nobody can admit otherwise anymore.

That's our legacy, that's what we now fight for.......

Our politicians actually fight against our citizens. whereas China/Russia fight for their citizens. What a time to be alive.

60th Week of Yellow Jackets rioting in France.......water cannons used on the crowds during Winter yesterday. ZERO COVERAGE.

WE only report on uprising and civil unrest in areas we are not friendly in trade practice with. Who will not trade beneficial to our policies or dollars. Other than that we care little about Democracy or human rights. We care nothing for anything but maintaining control while our own country rots and burns from within. Is sold off to whatever foreigners are dumb enough to loan us money for a future that is entirely uncertain and likely as chaotic as we are trying to make the rest of the planet.
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Texas Governor Tells Pompeo His State Wont Accept New Refugees in 2020 - Sara A. Carter

Trump executive order more refugees to san antonio!!

Texas will not take part in the resettlement of refugees in 2020, according to Texas Governor Greg Abbott (R), who informed U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo of his decision Friday in a letter.

The letter was written in response to President Trump’s Executive Order 13888, which deals with enhancing state involvement in refugee resettlement.

Trump basically hillary 2.0 now

All those GOP Govs accepting refugees........LMAO

I was like why are they doing this? Do they want to be one term lame ducks?

Oh, they get a cut of that refugee alocation money

the rest are selling visas........selling away citizenship

No wonder the difference between the GOP and DNC now is one wants to replace a disgruntled worker class with illegals........the other with legal immigration........the only nuanced difference being that the GOP wants to charge them admission tickets to the collapsing freak show we used to take pride in. Used to mean something to be a citizen of.

Now it just means you are the last idiot paying taxes to prop up a group of people who not only refuse to assimilate, care about your culture, but actively work to destroy everything you and your ancestors ever created here. While telling you that you are the evil racist xenophobe for trying to advocate against their efforts.

I've never seen a country be invaded and the natives stand there with their thumb up their ass like we are. I mean even the Native Americans put up better efforts than we are. They didn't even have the ability to make metal or farm animals and they knew what they were seeing before TV and Internet to levels beyond any American I know.

That's ok........we tried to replace our politicians. But now they will be replacing us instead. Luckily we get to pay even more for that luxury soon. Making that 382 Billion we pay for Immigration now look like a drop in the bucket once they become the Majority (not just of people under the age of 20 like they already are)
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Right now in Congress there is an Indian caucus, an African American caucus, a Hispanic caucus........next up an Asian caucus........a Somali caucus........why not a Syrian caucus?

I mean we used to be a UNITED STATES.......now we will be a group of Waring tribes and diverging factions.

We are intentionally trying to destroy the planet to profit and maintain control over it. While importing all the people that have had their lives destroyed by us. Who fucking hate us.

I mean this is like taking a baseball bat to a killer bee hive for honey, to eat for dinner. But then inviting all the bees to come join you at the dinner table later that night because you want to grow your local economy you made off the honey you just stole from them.

I mean this is lunacy and no wonder all political discord online trying to justify it or rationalize it looks like the rantings and ravings of absolute mad men residing in a nation that is on the brink of collapse. I've never seen more idiocy espoused in my life than I already have this year........and we aren't even into the second week of it yet.
I dunno bro. The blacks are waking up and the Mexicans are big time Catholics and don’t like abortion.

Republicans are starting to win the minorities as they are becoming the party represent sanity and workers.

You want transgender bathrooms and high taxes, vote Dems.

I just don’t see that working...

Best case polls I've seen show 7 out of 10 Hispanics voting for Democrats

Blacks 9 out of 10.........Trump might be their best candidate in decades but it only shifted 6% in the better area away from McCain and Romney types.

Still didn't leave the over 90% voting for DNC reality

Now Texas is being flooded with them.

And they also want hate speech legislation over 1st Amendment protection. And removal of 2nd Amendment rights because their ghetto communities (of criminals and criminality) are far more dangerous.

Yep......that's why Conservatives now are basically the Liberals of ten years ago. That's why Charlie Kirk of TPUSA takes Trans men and gay guys on stage at college campuses to sell "MODERN CONSERVATISM"

Pretty soon, maybe by 2024, the GOP will run a Trans black guy and act like the gender bathroom was really their idea. But by then the DNC will have moved on to taking on new ideological objectives.......like abolishing private property outright or land redistribution/reparations.

I do believe that Joe Biden will be the very last straight white male candidate the party ever allows on a primary stage.

It's ok......whatever it takes not to be called homophobic or xenophobic or sexist or racist or the next work they come up with to steamroll over you to get whatever they demand next.

I just don't want to be called a nazi. A white supremacist. So instead I will give up having a nation. Fighting for my nation. Nationalism.......because it sounds too much like National Socialism. Which oddly enough only Israel can have, that we pay for, that only our white male men will die for, because they are "gods chosen people", as we watch our home lands go from Socialist to full on Communist takeover.

No wonder Bernie is doing so well again. Absent, who hates us more than any other nation, wishes for our death and destruction, was very wise on his advocacy of him.......same way AOC will likely be his VP.
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u r a nazi and white supremacist tho

according to a proven and known jew in canada

who projects his endless schizophrenia on others while being perhaps the online poster child of it

I mean i don't call myself GODS CHOSEN CHILD

while also screaming that you think you are better than everyone else around you

because that would BE NUTS

and laughable

I just want to be left alone. I want a space for my people to exist in peace. I don't want to take over and control the entire planet like Zionists and Bolsheviks do.

but yeah I am willing to be white blood cell to fight that kind of cancer. That is in my blood unfortunately.

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numbers are fantasy

likely racist

as are white people with their stats and measurements. their logic and tests

only them feelz are real

trust me when I say nothing written could change your mind

even if we did spend another billion in public school to teach you what they said

and that's why self segregation is the only hope the future has

pretend I'm a black kid demanding it......and you would bend over backwards and break the bank to make that happen

maybe they will give us the future we need for all the wrong reasons