[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

:lol: @ jews making an accounting mistake

then again, he's spent his whole life on the gvt gravy train and used to wasting our taxes (just not his)

its not like his wife drove a college into the ground

his daughter got big $ for her woodworking program

gotta love that taxpayer money and gullible college kids to bilk; maybe run for president for a few extra bucks and another house

also cohencidence that his family and him are being investigated for bank fraud, loan fraud, by FBI despite his tears about "unfair" lending standards during the last housing bubble debacle.

I mean I can't make this stuff up like he does

only he can

why didn't he just beg to borrow more money again?

like he has the rest of his life
1) Intelligence agencies unanimously concluded, along with bipartisan leadership in the Senate and House, that Russia mounted an aggressive influence campaign to help elect the current president of the United States. Not bad for a country with 7% of the United States' GDP, effectively installing their handpicked choice for president in the world's most powerful country.

2) We have midterm elections coming up in 9 months and the Trump administration has done absolutely nothing to address the issue of Russian meddling, all while there is total consensus from both parties regarding the reality of this threat. Trump's own CIA director (Pompeio) has repeatedly confirmed that Russia is plotting a similar influence campaign this year. Meanwhile, Trump categorically refuses to acknowledge that Russian meddling ever happened.

3) Do you think Putin helped Trump out of the kindness of his heart? Putin has tremendous, glaringly obvious influence over this administration and yet none of you will allow yourselves to admit it. Trump praises Putin at every opportunity. Trump unilaterally failed to enact the sanctions against Russia which congress overwhelmingly passed with 419-3 and 98-2 votes in the House and Senate respectively. Trump was reluctant to sign them into law and although he was forced to sign them, he ultimately did nothing to slap them on his best buddy.

4) You must have all forgotten that we started with "I don't know anybody in Russia or anything about Russia." Jeff Sessions perjured himself during his congressional testimony after denying contacts with Sergei Kislyak under oath. Mike Flynn and Jared Kushner repeatedly lied on their security clearance applications and had to amend their Russian contacts multiple times. Paul Manafort... there is no limit to what will be unveiled when his curtain is finally pulled back for everyone to see. Flynn has since pleaded guilty and is a cooperating witness in the Mueller investigation along with George Papadopoulos. Rick Gates appears to be negotiating a plea deal with Mueller as well.

The Russian ties go on and on and on.


provoked North Korea with belligerent language and apocalyptic threats, etc etc etc.

These are all deliberate assaults on the very foundations of what make America so uniquely exceptional. When we lose these things, we lose our very identity. We become weaker as a nation, and that is precisely the plan being carried out right now by your beloved president. Every time we knock ourselves down a peg, Russia is one peg closer to us, and I'm watching my countrymen cheer them along each time we move down another notch.

Odds are good that you think I am a complete and total moron. Tell me where I'm wrong. I am outnumbered here, but as a patriot I am compelled to at least put it all out on the table and make my argument. In the end, history will be the judge of who is right and wrong.

man I love some good fan fiction

you got anymore great hits, Ascotia?

History has judged this prediction and is laughing so hard it can't swallow anything else you have to say about the topic.
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he is still living in an alternative reality where he will be able to ever bump his old posts on this topic without feeling shame and embarrassment

while somehow calling the rest of us conspiracy theorists

unfortunately all of us know that nobody lives in that realm

not even him..........as he doubles down on the delusional delirious derping

he's over the top in the tank for anything his overlords feed him

notice him dodge the manufactured FISA applications or a DOJ lawyer knowingly alter an email for one FISA application?

that lawyer should be going to jail for that shit
he's over the top in the tank for anything his overlords feed him

notice him dodge the manufactured FISA applications or a DOJ lawyer knowingly alter an email for one FISA application?

that lawyer should be going to jail for that shit

he calls it conspiracy theory shit

while covering his ears and cowering his head screaming RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA

still........to this day

I mean there is bat shit crazy and then there is AscotiA

I think Sharty knows he is being dishonest and delusional at this point

Ascotia doubling down harder than anyone in here still

about to compile his old theories turned fairy tales into a fantasy fiction novel or something
:lol: @ jews making an accounting mistake

then again, he's spent his whole life on the gvt gravy train and used to wasting our taxes (just not his)

its not like his wife drove a college into the ground

his daughter got big $ for her woodworking program

gotta love that taxpayer money and gullible college kids to bilk; maybe run for president for a few extra bucks and another house






man I love some good fan fiction

you got anymore great hits, Ascotia?

History has judged this prediction and is laughing so hard it can't swallow anything else you have to say about the topic.

its amazing that the person who wrote that doesnt believe that all the shit his party does would would make America 'uniquely exceptional'

... has the unmitigated audacity to provoke others by denigrating them at every chance for not having the same opinion thats becoming more and more polarizing across the Nation

and Orange Hitler is the problem? o rly?
You will never get the exact answer you want because the exact number of flipped votes is intrinsically immeasurable. I'll do my best to provide some tangible examples though.

Facebook has admitted that Russian propaganda in some shape or form reached as many as 126 million users. The power of Facebook ad-targeting combined with relatively low cost made their social media efforts extraordinarily effective. That doesn't mean they changed 126 million minds, half of those people probably scrolled right past whatever propaganda made it onto their screen. However, I think it's reasonable to suggest that perhaps just 1-3% of those people may have been sitting on the fence and could be potentially swayed one way or the other. That is hypothetically as many as a few million votes right there.

Russians, according to the intelligence agencies, were also responsible for hacking the DNC, giving rise to Pizzagate, along with a slow-drip of damaging information about Hillary and her associates all the way until election day (I hate Hillary btw, just telling the truth). These hacks ultimately gave rise to the FBI reopening the email investigation less than 2 weeks before the election. This alone may be what have tipped the scales into Trump's favor at exactly the right time.

Trump may not have spent as much money as Hillary, but the amount of free press he was able to generate with his rhetoric and behavior was also valued in the billions. He, to his credit, essentially figured out a way to game the system.

Last time ASCOTIA was real convinced of alternative realities and conspiracy theories

We live in alternate realities, and that's ok. I'm not going to attempt to change your mind. I'll let history be the judge because with your output rate, there just isn't enough time in the day to type out all the reasons why I think you're wrong. You're entitled to your opinion and I'll leave it at that.

I know what people who are telling the truth look like and sound like. Those people are squarely on one side of this debate. If you want to clutch onto Carter Page, Devin Nunes, and your lord and savior Trump, there's nothing I can do to stop you.

GL w/ that

and has that worked out well
Thx man, I couldn't have said any of that better myself.
You guys complaining about Bernie Sanders possibly not paying his full taxes still has me laughing. In fact, it gave me the great idea to document the Hall of Fame worthy replies in my sig in a much more concise fashion.
You guys complaining about Bernie Sanders possibly not paying his full taxes still has me laughing. In fact, it gave me the great idea to document the Hall of Fame worthy replies in my sig in a much more concise fashion.

Did you count it as another Win

or in your column of money and online bets you lost that you will never bother paying?

Red vs. Black

which pill should we take on this one

just 5k

just 100 dollars

just just just shut the fuck up already
Your entire premise is literally based on negative attention for Hillary lessened negative attention for Trump and that cost her the election. Do you not hear how absurd that rationalization sounds? One, it completely absolves her of any wrongdoing whatsoever, two it dismisses that Comey had a legal obligation to do what he did as a part of his job, three it implies that Trump somehow had less negative attention going into election day than Hillary Clinton did, and four it implies that there was a significant amount of undecided voters in the last 3 weeks prior to the election who were able to be swayed.

Furthermore what I posted wasn't a premise, it was my opinion of the position Comey found himself in. It's my belief that he chose the path that was best for his career path, from his perspective. It's not a hill I choose to die on, but it seems like a much simpler concept than Comey having an agenda to somehow tank Hillary on purpose by reopening an investigation after new evidence emerged. It sounds like you're carrying water for Hillary.
Who said he did it on purpose to tank Hillary? I'm not absolving Hillary of anything. I'm not arguing what Comey's motivations were whatsoever, I'm dissecting the consequences of the actions that he took. A more prudent FBI director may have chosen to let the people vote before disclosing the email investigation and/or the Russia investigation, or maybe he would have disclosed both simultaneously. What's not in dispute is that Hillary was the one who was adversely impacted by Comey, and that's the irony I'm trying to point out since Comey is near the top of everyone's shit list in Trump world.

Like you said, "Comey had a legal obligation to do what he did as a part of his job." I fully and 100% agree. He was trying to do the right thing, and he completely stepped in it. He changed the narrative in the media at the worst possible time for Clinton, and the only thing I cannot prove is that Comey's actions were just enough to nudge Trump over the finish line in those 3 key states which won him the electoral college.