[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

If Trump's withdraw of U.S. forces had not occurred, the National Security Council official told Newsweek, the United States could have continued to refine the buffer zone on the Syrian-Turkish border.

"To be honest with you, it would be better for the United States to support a Kurdish nation across Turkey, Syria and Iraq," said the National Security Council official. "It would be another Israel in the region."

pro-nation building source is upset that trump is anti-nation building :hrm:
oh my God all the liberal Global Socialists crying for war. fuck your new neocon beliefs. go to war yourself. you can go over to fight with the Kurds if you want on your own. I'm sure antifa is recruiting...

If we do have to go to war under Trump, it won't be nation-building.
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Trailer park cracking down

Man, fuck war in stupid places and for stupid reasons. RoEs suck ass. Stay the fuck out or conquer. Save some lives, money and shed the image that the US is always ready to go in and police the world.

It used to be "speak softly and carry a big stick". Trump is a little bit "speak loudly and carry a big stick" but whatever. I like the way he is pulling us out of places that should be allowed to sort it out themselves.
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I voted liberal or libertarian most of my life
All in an effort to keep us out of stupid foreign MIC wars
And now I've found my President.
Hopefully, if we go to war, it will be to defend ourselves, not a false flag, and only if Israel really needs our help... 'cause there is no way to completely divorce ourselves from them; hopefully President Trump is negotiating.