[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

You can buy that sharpie brah

Trump campaign sells branded markers to 'set the record straight' after Dorian map edit

15 bucks


lol you know you're on the winning side when the other side is going apeshit over a map that got the sharpie treatment by president trump holy fucking pathetic
Stupid fucks

Democrats try to curse their way to voter's attention - The Washington Post

But if you’re swearing, you’re probably losing.

Early Friday morning, Politico ran a provocative story titled, “Can the F-Bomb Save Beto?” In it, they chewed over presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke’s frequent swearing, whether it’s appropriate and whether it works for him as a symbol of his passion.

By 8:30 that morning, Montana Gov. Steve Bullock’s campaign had an announcement to make: He, too, had said a bad word! “Governor Bullock on The Daily Show: I’ve Actually Had to Get S--- Done,” blared its news release.

The 2020 Democratic primary has at times felt like a competition over who can employ the most strategic curses. The majority of candidates have uttered at least one (depending upon how you define “curse”), and you can see lots of examples in the video above. We seem to be headed in a direction of more rather than fewer in the months ahead.