[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

i am so sick of winning


I get that Trump isn't your idealistic version of a president you want, but you post some of the most misleading headlines ever to justify your sourness towards him

The Supreme court put a hold on it. All because of Justice Roberts(George Bush appointee) being the one conservative traitor to send it back to the lower court(s) thus not allowing the question to be printed because there isn't enough time to fully hear out the court case before the census takes place. This is not Trump caving in but our political rulers fucking We the People. Sadly it'll be another 10 years before the Census is done again and it'll undoubtedly be some shithead uniparty president unless the Trump dynasty continues the work our government desperately needs otherwise it'll probably be ignored.
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Happy 4th of July!
Since I couldn't say it while TW was down.

Too bad they didn't have a little wind to blow off the smoke...
Would love to go next year at this time,
when President Trump Wins.

don't give up
((((they))) are being named by the young)

this is the question of our lifetime. I get why Koch bros and Soros on same team now openly. They always were. The only difference is that Koch bros tried to buy corporate lobbying influence.......and Soros bought grass roots influence from street beggars.

Now that they own everything from the bottom to the top........top to the bottom they can just admit that they have control of the game and even if you choose not to play it doesn't matter. even if you hate them there is nothing you can do about them controlling all the good spots and playing pieces in this game called MONOPOLY.
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I get that Trump isn't your idealistic version of a president you want, but you post some of the most misleading headlines ever to justify your sourness towards him

The Supreme court put a hold on it. All because of Justice Roberts(George Bush appointee) being the one conservative traitor to send it back to the lower court(s) thus not allowing the question to be printed because there isn't enough time to fully hear out the court case before the census takes place. This is not Trump caving in but our political rulers fucking We the People. Sadly it'll be another 10 years before the Census is done again and it'll undoubtedly be some shithead uniparty president unless the Trump dynasty continues the work our government desperately needs otherwise it'll probably be ignored.

it's HUFFPOST......of course it is total shit

I completely agree with your post and your assessment of events.

I also see that he has asked his DOJ (that can't convict or lock up Hillary or any of the other deep state FISA criminals who spied and cheated during last election) to look into how the wording could be altered to get this onto this CENSUS last second. To go directly to the SCOTUS for any guidance or suggestions on how this could be permitted. That is very important and a huge step for sure. But very likely too little too late......like all the rest at this point.

It simply isn't enough.

The wall isn't enough (in fact non-existent imo) and while he lost the popular vote by a mere 4 million last time..........I expect him to lose by an additional 4 million on top of that in 2020. At some point the cancer spreads so far into so many contested states that there is no recovery from the demographic replacement and imo dissatisfaction with his actual base who continues to get decimated domestically (on all fronts).

By 2020 Texas could already be forever blue depending on how much Mexico, not the USA, can cut off the caravans and South American + India + African immigration flows.

Texas may cost Trump 2020 | TheHill

We Told You So.... Texas Going The Way Of California, Because Of Immigration | Blog Posts | VDARE.com

I do give him credit for pressuring MEXICO to do the jobs we obviously can't do, don't have the stomach or audacity to do, and that is really all i am getting at here.

How far we have fallen and continue to fall

United States immigration enforcement actions (returns and removals) 1940-1960. Apparently we stopped protecting our nation in 1955, after “Operation Wetback” was a stunning success that proved: Yes, we can just load millions of illegals onto busses and ship them out.






Charlottesville votes to end Thomas Jeffersons birthday as city holiday | WTOP

How we only became more doomed since that 1965 Immigration Act turn around. A few million a year every year ever since.

We have beyond serious issues. We are taking on water and are on the brink of capsizing beyond any kind of recovery. And his angry tweets and a red dixie cup for bailing water isn't going to get the job done.

That is all I am getting at here or with any of these posts.

I realized demoralizing the troops isn't how you win battles but maybe that is the point. The battle isn't worth fighting the way we are fighting it. That if you are an American soldier fighting for Israel you should be demoralized to the point of refusing to fight entirely. That only Israeli soldiers should be fighting their wars for them. That our entire country is rapidly becoming that same way in my mind. Very little to preserve that hasn't already been stolen or destroyed. That there is little worth fighting for when everyone has sold us out and down the river and nobody else has the stomach to continue the battle much longer.

That is all......

You still have no choice to vote for Trump. To do what you can do.

But you can't put any stock in that.......it is still an act of futility
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I don't see much wrong with pointing that out when the only other option is getting all TDS about it........or crying OBAMA OBAMA OBAMA for another decade when Kamala inevitably gets into office.


It really doesn't matter from a larger stand point

If they don't do the march you don't get to vote for them

Them the real rules of our doomed REPUBLIC atm

I mean I still say RBG is dead

HAPPENING NOW: Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg speaks at Georgetown Law School.

yet again HAPPENING NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!



but google shows me it is yet again a repeat from another year

which was a repeat of another year


It's all a game and we might as well treat it as such.

not only is everything a lie.......but everything is a lie based on a lie told by some kind of other liar

who at best accidentally tells an occasional truth between trying to sell you another lie
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don't give up
((((they))) are being named by the young)

those crazy kids and their edgelord sperg posting is about the only hope I have left and the numbers and debt and demographics are now against them

that might be what i took for a generation to finally wake up and smell the roses

in the meantime :popcorn:
Meh.. watch these people slink back into the shadows when Trump wins again. By the end of the next 4 years.. most of those people will have committed suicide
Between burning the flag on 7/4 and turning the flag into a symbol of racism via Nike.. 2020 is going to be a blowout