[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

I like him! But fuck him for trying to make driving among retards safer

New bills take aim at welfare and cell phones | al.com

It has begun. The Alabama Legislature will return in March, so legislators have their snouts in the air, trying to figure out what kind of rancid red meat will suit the sniffers of their constituents.

He fired off a bill that would require users of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program – that thing we used to call Food Stamps – undergo drug testing in certain circumstances.

Boom. That’s HB3. Put those deadbeats in their place.

But that wasn’t good enough. Hanes also fired off HB9, another bill aimed at food stamp recipients. This one would prohibit DHR from requesting a waiver of work requirements for recipients.

Which is a bloody beefsteak for an outrage that … doesn’t exist.

Hanes also filed a bill, HB14, that would drug test recipients of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families – we used to call it Welfare. The full text of that bill is not available on the state site, yet, but you get the picture.

Hanes hates the deadbeats and the entitled class. He sneers at public assistance.

Unless, of course, it’s public assistance for public employees.

Other bills pre-filed thus far include a bill by Rep. Allen Farley, a Republican from Jefferson County, that would make Alabama’s texting-while-driving law tougher. HB6 would make it illegal to hold a phone or use other devices to take pictures from a car. Or in billspeak, it would make it illegal to:

“Physically hold or otherwise support with any part of the person's body a wireless telecommunication device or standalone electronic device,” or “Use a wireless telecommunication device or standalone electronic device to watch, record, or capture a photograph or video.”
idk about others but 4 me it's total panic b/c chumpy donald (((J))) trump just signed a death warrant 4 all americans with as little as 1/1024 european descent :)wave:, pocahontas)