[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

lots of great running backs have come and gone since barry sanders but none have had the longevity

A Pro Bowl invitee in each of his ten NFL seasons

his kid was p good too but...

After the season, he accepted a marketing job with the video game company Electronic Arts, and he announced that he had no plans to try to play professional football.
Did you guys know that Beto O'Rourkes wife, Amy Sanders, is a charter school administrator,’ and served on the City Council ‘championing downtown redevelopment.’? Isn't that super cool?

So cool, that they are worthy achievements and should be used for political purposes to get her husband elected because... they are just like us, right?


Much like i have not seen one fucking mention on why the fucking bombs didnt explode that the Native American mailed.

Just find it hard to believe that the ENTIRE media landscape is muted on certain shit. Speaks to a universal controller over them all.

:rofl: Bernie Sanders AMA on reddit


lol good ole Bernie the crazy anti-capitalist socialist
what's your source that human trafficking isn't worse now? i'm pretty certain you're just speaking out your ass.

Oh, :isee:
When were you or I aware that human trafficking was ever such a huge a problem?

To be fair although YOU and I both live in San Antonio
and see in the local news instances of Trailer Trucks and Vans filled with Mojados apprenhended was nothing new.

BUT since TRUMP took office much National news and reports have made headlines of this stuff happening all over the place.

One does not need to conduct a research paper or a think tank study to be appraised of this fact.

It's no secret you :mad: me. ......... :shrug:
But your post directed at me was just plain ASSININE

Utilize your time better by :hurry: ......... :razz:
I think the simple fact that there are 7 billion people on the planet today vs 500million(thats a high estimate too) in the 1500's. Id think its a safe assumption.

But I don't expect you or triple to actually think
Beto of and for the common people?

Oh please, ....... Beto's family was in the furniture bidness. Beto never knew hunger nor was he socially disadvantaged.

His daddy was a judge. Who was caught entangled in a dope thingy. ( Think Cuidad Juarez :scared: right across the border from El Paso. ??? :brows:
Judge O'Rorke was cleared of involvement by the OBAMA administration FBI. :Hmm:

Then, dorky looking BETO somehow winds up marrying :drool: Billionaire's daughter. $$$ begats $$$

No gracias, I'm voting Cruz ( though I don't like him.) > Better Republican RED than Democrat Blues :soapbox:.
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I think the simple fact that there are 7 billion people on the planet today vs 500million(thats a high estimate too) in the 1500's. Id think its a safe assumption.

But I don't expect you or triple to actually think

i agree with this as well

crazy to think that numbers back then are only 1/15th (~6%) of todays population could do more trafficking

maffs do u speak it?

curious: would you think that genes can determine a genetic dead end?