[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

he seems like a pretentious douchebag but I only see fox news when someone posts it here

even then I rarely click youtube links
google enforces their policies in a politically neutral way by banning, shadow banning, demonetizing any video expressing an opinion right of centre.

Shouldn't they be red pills?
vanster is an adherent to the cult of personality

once that chick [strike]asked[/strike] told him to sit down and urinate rather than pissing all over the place like an animal it's been going downhill for him

a civilized man can raise the seat; vanster couldn't come to grips with that
CNN being openly racist, bashing Kanye for leaving the dem plantation...

"Kanye West is what happens when Nigros don't read."

Candace goes after them. You go girl.

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