[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread


:shock: tick tock :lol:

trump/putin/pence 2032

this will be conveniently ignored

easier to keep lying to yourself that Orange Hitler is going to jail soon
Christopher Steele was already linked to the FBI prior to the dossier. That he had interacted with Mueller in some way is not particularly suspicious considering Mueller was the director.

Regarding the "off the books" op, that could mean anything without more details...
Sara A. Carter, where non-woke get their news.

You understand why you get along with fellow Trump voters, right?
You're all taunted and made fun of and agree it's a conspiracy.

hey, thought you were going to discuss Orange Hitler instead of posters?

*SMACK* rite dafuq cross vansta pussyass fukn oldnativecuckfuck fukn fuccboi lil pussyass teefz n m0uf lykka sucha guuuuuuuuud GUD lil fuccboi l0s3r
smdh lol :jester:
Sara A. Carter, where non-woke get their news.

You understand why you get along with fellow Trump voters, right?
You're all taunted and made fun of and agree it's a conspiracy.

i think you have me confused with the snowflake leftists and the MSM who are all taunted and made fun of and agree with MUH RUSSIAH conspiracy :shrug:
Get on board the Trump train Turkey... or die.

Power, The USA has it.

Bolton, Turkish ambassador huddle at White House as lira continues dive - POLITICO

National security adviser John Bolton met on Monday with Turkey’s ambassador to the U.S., the White House said, as the Turkish lira continued its slide and dragged stock markets along with it.

Press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said in a statement that Bolton met with Serdar Kilic at the White House at the ambassador’s request, and that the two “discussed Turkey’s continued detention of Pastor Andrew Brunson and the state of the U.S.-Turkey relationship.”
Fuck you Trump. Our narrative is losing power

Don’t Let Donald Trump Rob the Word ‘Racism’ of its Meaning

Once again, rather than specifically call out the white supremacists who actually caused the senseless death, Trump calls out “the riots” as the culprit and then condemns “all types of racism and acts of violence.” Keep in mind that this is the same guy who talked a lot about the “good old days” during his campaign rallies:

We don't want get rid of all racism and acts of violence... not the ones we commit, the ones you commit


This is a special time in history... enjoy it before we regain our senses