[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

If this shit makes you sad... why sad now? Why not sad 10 or 20 years ago when these border policies were put into place and affirmed as law?

"Zero Tolerance" is the new policy applied to interpret the law differently than the last 2 administrations. Its a policy that is part of a strategy to deter immigration by breaking up families and detaining children away from their parents.

People aren't upset about returning families back to Mexico after they've been caught illegally entering the country - that is a straw man argument that most will not defend. They're upset about a govt that abuses kids as a policy. Where are the pizzagate truthers when real harm is being done to kids?


they need the soy bar
"Zero Tolerance" is the new policy applied to interpret the law differently than the last 2 administrations. Its a policy that is part of a strategy to deter immigration by breaking up families and detaining children away from their parents.

People aren't upset about returning families back to Mexico after they've been caught illegally entering the country - that is a straw man argument that most will not defend. They're upset about a govt that abuses kids as a policy. Where are the pizzagate truthers when real harm is being done to kids?

but basic history says:

US President says Congress has ability to act immediately to address the wave of unaccompanied children coming over the border from Mexico into the US

DATE: 12:46AM BST 10 Jul 2014

Barack Obama tells Central American parents: don't send your kids over the border


that was a lie

or you are really dumb.......we know it is equal parts of both though
The Trump administration’s decision to forcibly separate more than 2,000 children from parents requesting asylum or illegally crossing the nation’s southern border is morally reprehensible. It is nothing like the Obama administration’s decision in 2014 to place unaccompanied minors in closed housing units until they could be transferred to family in the United States while they awaited court proceedings.

I was the senior civilian defense official at the Pentagon overseeing defense policy on this matter during the 2014 crisis. The first core fallacy of President Trump is to equate former President Obama’s policy of temporarily holding unaccompanied children in closed centers with its decision to forcibly separate accompanied children from their parents upon surrender to U.S. authorities. In 2014, the government’s action was to temporarily hold the children pending determinations of their legal status.
how dare u compare this made up story to the smuggling of clinton foundation haitian kids to dc area pizza parlors through the secret tunnels into the spirit cooking chambers
one box of children without their parents is nothing like this other box of children who are also no longer with their parents


"Parents need to know this is an incredibly dangerous situation, and it is unlikely that their children will be able to stay," Obama said, referring to a flow of 57,000 unaccompanied minors from Central America who have crossed the southwestern US frontier since October.

"I've asked parents across Central America not to put their children in harm's way in this fashion."

peak intellectual dishonesty folks

the kind that only the mentally ill + deranged leftists can keep coming up with
why did the 1997 order come about forcing these kids NOT to stay with their parents in regular confinement?


if only we could figure that one out

what drove such a policy in the first place?

how did we get here?

i wonder how many triple and madcow tears it will take to answer this for me
damn if only trump had known he wouldn't have backed down like a bitch, we'll get these kids next time guys
i get why trump caved though


self preservation is important

i mean i am watching what they are doing to ice and immigration officers

the doxxxing the threats, the calls to go to their homes, take their children

the protest riots outside their headquarters in about half a dozen cities right now

i mean they are foaming like wild dogs that need to be put down
United asks feds not to use their aircraft to transport migrant children | TheHill

American Airlines asks government not to use planes to transfer migrant children | TheHill

“Based on our serious concerns about this policy and how it’s in deep conflict with our company’s values, we have contacted federal officials to inform them that they should not transport immigrant children on United aircraft who have been separated from their parents," United CEO Oscar Munoz said in a statement.

add em to the boycott list boys, at this rate we won't be able to fly anymore
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msm fails to mention that 10,000 of the current 12,000 illegal immigrant children being detained came here without their biological parent, but instead came here with an adult smuggler/trafficker.

why would we want to keep them with their trafficker?
"Zero Tolerance" is the new policy applied to interpret the law differently than the last 2 administrations. Its a policy that is part of a strategy to deter immigration by breaking up families and detaining children away from their parents.

People aren't upset about returning families back to Mexico after they've been caught illegally entering the country - that is a straw man argument that most will not defend. They're upset about a govt that abuses kids as a policy. Where are the pizzagate truthers when real harm is being done to kids?

Once again...

You are arguing that it only became a problem once someone actually enforced the law. The United States is a nation governed by the rule of laws that are pointless because we won't enforce them, because we didn't like them in the first place.

This ethical landmine has been buried in the law for years and years and no one cared enough to deal with it because no administration or agency wanted to set it off, blowing themselves up, because "babies being taken from mothers" plays really badly on television. No one wants to be that guy. Hillary Clinton didn't want to be that guy when asked about it back in the day, carefully dancing around having to actually provide a solution. She knew the solution didn't make for a good sound bite.

President Trump waded right out into no-mans land with the Border Issue and jumped right on top of it. Intentionally? Accidentally? Who knows, but it's now a problem everyone is forced to deal with and everyone is going to exploit the opportunity to make themselves look as heroic as possible while leaving the other guy looking like the bad guy.

Meanwhile, I predict the real tragedy continues. People desperate for a better life that living in Mexico can't provide.
msm fails to mention that 10,000 of the current 12,000 illegal immigrant children being detained came here without their biological parent, but instead came here with an adult smuggler/trafficker.

why would we want to keep them with their trafficker?

the failure to even mention the 2300 pedo arrests during operation broken heart shows that maybe they do.......

that this is the diddler deep state networks only goal besides having more votes to exploit and lost souls to enslave long into the future

they are cheering the idea of kids being in regular everyday prison confinement with MS-13 and every other dregs group who got caught along our borders now
Wonder why we don't let American children stay with their parent while they are locked up in a US jail or prison? There must be a reason why we don't allow that but I just can't figure out why we would do something like that???
This divide is getting pretty serious. You guys are fucked.

no putting this genie back in the bottle it looks like at this point

law enforcement can no longer do their jobs, perform their duties, courts can no longer pretend to adhere to the constitution, politicians in perpetual gridlock, the proven criminals are now prosecuting others for crimes they can't even fabricate charges for yet, we have one set of laws for one group and a completely different set for others, roaming rabid leftists and 3rd world refugees now set all the tone and narrative of all arenas.

we are already in a war that just hasn't turned hot on both sides yet.


when everything is racist..........everything is hitler

wait until nothing becomes racist or hitler when that tactic wears thin

everyone goes numb to it like the goy who cried wolf