[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

your attempts to paint me as an elite coastal liberal aren't accurate, but nice try
You don't live 2000 miles away? Are YOU Hispanic? I don't know what the point was of your post. Are all those Hispanics in your city refugees?
Is it really a Humanitarian Crisis... if you're the one who caused it to yourself by getting in a boat and going somewhere you know you are not welcome?

These people create a problem they assume you can't ignore in order to manipulate you into giving them exactly what they want.

They sail into the middle of the ocean without proper provisions and then sink their own boat in order to force a crisis of conscience onto the rest of us.
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Lord Elessar, you can't tell me the best solution they came up with to a hard problem is taking people's children away.

In one report, parents were being told their kids were being taken "to showers", and it dawned on them hours later that their kids weren't coming back. In another, they ripped a baby right out of her mother's arms while she was breastfeeding, and then charged the mother with resisting. It's 100% fucked up.

If I'm running drugs in from SA, the first thing I would do would be to kidnap a "free pass" to walk over the border with if I knew it would help.

Then I literally abandon that pass in the desert as it's not needed.

If I can think of that, so can someone else. This situation can get a lot worse.

Short term would a refugee camp play nicer in the news? Probably. Long term we've seen what happens there in Africa, Turkey, Israel, Yugoslavia, etc. We know how that pans out and that solution becomes as bad or worse than the problem.
they are just fine in camps with chain link fencing. safe and sound.. and they can enjoy powdered milk

look up the judges ruling saying it isn't cruel to serve them that shit
You don't live 2000 miles away? Are YOU Hispanic? I don't know what the point was of your post. Are all those Hispanics in your city refugees?

1. I'm within 90 miles of the coast, i.e. the border
2. no, I'm irish
3. many came recently via Hurricane Maria and we also took in Somali refugees
1. I'm within 90 miles of the coast, i.e. the border
2. no, I'm irish
3. yes, via Hurricane Maria and we also took in Somali refugees

Yes I'm sure boatloads of illegal migrants are docking on your shores daily GTFO lmao

Whichever refugees made it all the way to MA did so via proper legal channels. So again keep bleeding that heart from 2000 miles away reeeeee
so building a housing complex instead of a tent city

we'll just send you the bill for the difference then? in that case i think we found a solution
He's too fucking stupid to realize housing is more expensive AND it serves as an invitation to a million more refugees.

Lock em up. Give them a hard time. Ship them out. Deterrent.