[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread


:lol: #reeeeesist!

trump/putin/pence 2028
AS for the Euro theatre in WW2, the US lost fewer soldiers than the Russians did at Stalingrad! The US's role in the Euro theatre of WW2 mainly consisted of selling arms. The US didn't send any troops to Europe until everyone (except Hitler) knew that Germany has lost.

Are you saying that Germany had lost before the invasion of Normandy?
Perfect. Now we just get the players to turn on each other and yahtzee. adios nfl

Derek Wolfe

“I stand because I respect the men who died in real battle so I have the freedom to battle on the field. Paying tribute to the men and women who have given their lives for our freedom is why I stand. But everyone these days likes to find a reason to protest and that’s their right. It’s America and you are free to speak your mind. I just feel it’s disrespectful to the ones who sacrificed their lived and it’s maybe the wrong platform. But like I said to each their own it’s AMERICA! The greatest country in the world and if you don’t think we are the greatest country in the world and you reside here, then why do you stay? A lot worse places in the world to call home. Proud to be an American.”


is he white?

nm, doesn't matter...

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Richard "the brains" Sherman

“Hmm, well, a very interesting time we living in right now. We should be more focused on uniting our country and showing one another how similar we are and how amazing it is to live in this great country. I think the comments from the President of the United State of America have been very divisive for a long time, and I think that it’s very interesting that he condemned the protests — the silent protests of our players — who are protesting the injustice and bigotry and racism that has plagued our great country for so long, and are trying to make a difference to make our country even better and even greater, are seen as radicals to him.

“That’s incredible, seeing as he saw the white supremacists, and it took him a while to even condemn them, to say anything bad about what they were doing. And in this country, I think it’s incredibly disrespectful to show swastikas or have swastikas or anything of that nature, anything that represents that regime or that time in history because that was terrible. America fought in that war. Americans died in that war. These Americans fought for our flag in that war and to disrespect them by bringing swastikas, I thought he would address that more vehemently.

“It’s time for somebody to address it, to address those comments, and address the way our country is being divided because it’s wrong. I would also encourage our owners to speak up for our players. I think that his is an issue that attacks not only our players, but our league. I understand that all of our owners are astute businessmen, and the NFL is their business, and it’s your business, and your business is also being attacked.

“Obviously, commissioner Goodell has said something, but I think that it’s more powerful if each individual owner comes out and has something to say about this, but we are all together, we are all Americans, and it’s time for the racism and bigotry, for those things to go away. Those things have no place in society, no place in America, no place in any country, and that’s my two cents.”
It's a shame they all get lumped together.

If I was a teammate of one of these guys, I'd have a problem with them making us all look bad.

Permanent victims and the useful idiots. It's quite the powerful duo.
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America fought in that war. Americans died in that war. These Americans fought for our flag in that war and to disrespect them by kneeling during anthem, I thought he would address that more vehemently.

He did.
I have read a few interesting takes on the issue in the NFL that i never really thought of. It sounds totally plausable and if its true, its not going to change my opinion on boycotting all professional sports in the US.

The NFL is an American game. It's, shall we say, nationalistic. And as we all know, in today's world, anything that is nationalistic is, well... racist and bad, m-kay. The (((globalists))) are doing everything they can to destroy anything in the US that is distinctly American. Even attempting to ban people from displaying the flag. By boycotting the NFL, that would be giving into their globalist bullying.

It's the same thing they want for our national anthem or with our country's flag, to be banned from all public places. They don't want us to have a nation, a national identity, statues, a history nor a culture anymore. They want a borderless one world Jewish controlled Marxist government ruled by a bunch of unelected foreign interests who don't give a shit about what we as a nation want.
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Huge boos for players kneeling at the Pats game. Blacks really have no idea that this is turning more people against their cause rather than helping it. I hope they keep kneeling.