[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

"You better accept the results of the election!" they said.

"But, not us. We dont have to accept the results!" they said.

They want a civil war, their action say.

I say, bring it on.

*edit- for whatever its worth; its coming from the establishment and CFR controlled media: Harvard professor says GOP electors are close to blocking Trump win

The guy said all of them, save 1, are democrats. So...as far as trump is concerned, who cares right? In states Trump won the electors are Republican, amirite?
This has become a truly epic temper tantrum. It's really shocking to see just how many bed wetting thumb sucking adults we have here in the USA. If Trump somehow gets blocked from his rightful presidency, shits really going to hit the fan.
He won't get blocked, there was the same belly aching in 2000 and that had a margin that was actually possible to swing. Gore only needed 4 EC votes. Not much actual governance is going on right now so the political class has to fill their time with something else at the moment.
trump and hillary both suck i dont see how this is controversial enough to sperg over

bernie was the only pro-social choice. guess thats why he's a socialist?

now we get to enjoy more Bilderberg or communist imperial business fascism either way even with Hillary somehow snaking her way in again or trump remaining snaked in
when y'all divided the liberal class and demonized the artists and communists the actors and theater people

in favour of marketing clout the dollar, the bottom line, the money, capitalist

liberalism died

and you just became as ignorant as trump
where is the welfare state hillary? where is the money for the poor working class? where is obama's socialized health care plan? the prison reform, the free education? the national diet and housing plan??? shouldnt take 8 years to enact a sweeping change like that, while people starve and die waiting for ACA to actually kick in properly

where are the increased tax rates for the wall street thugs and market makers?

where is the liberalism in hillary's liberalism?

where is the regulation in the latency based stock market?

when do the lies ever stop?

was it because u got touched as a kid?? too bad DONT LIE
I would more claim that is just recency bias. People were pretty livid in 2000, you also had far fewer media and social outlets so it is hard to compare that amount of words spilled between the 2 elections.