[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread v2

I can't help but to lol at dudes who are passionate about abortions.

When you boil it down, it is nothing more than a property rights issue.

The birthing person's rights to life, liberty, and property cannot be superseded by the unborn child's rights to life, liberty, and property.

Really Sam? up until ... right before being in the body? or even after...

' ah fuck, this 3 year old is gettin' in the way of my life, liberty, and ... fuck he fucking stuck his finger in the tweeter again!!!
off with his head!'
just got caught up - holy shit!

wait...did some democrat talking point memo go out to the Biden lovers saying "bring up abortion, keep talking about abortion, don't stop talking about abortion!" as a way to stop people from talking about the economy and all the other things looking bad for Brandon?
This is my fav quote of the past like 30 pages.
It’s completely incorrect, and you Trump lovers love to talk about it. Its a bold faced lie on every level.

Democrats and Biden at no point brought up abortion as an election issue. It was solved 40 years ago.

Republicans brought up abortion as an election issue. It was of more importance to them than foreign relations or the economy. Always has been. It is of prime importance to republicans and always has been. If it wasn’t that important, it would have never come up for debate. This is an indisputable fact.