[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread v2

everyone knows that democrats / socialists / communists / 'progressive' would rather choke a woman out to shut her up

add a bottle or two of liquid courage and watch 'em go
Wow, I have disrespected the shit out of a lot of people. I don't feel bad either.

Wait.. is this guy talking about "cleaning his weapon"? brown chicken brown cow

Cause yeah.. in front of other people, especially strangers.. that would be kinda rude.

Liberals erupt after Rep. Cawthorn cleans gun during veterans affairs hearing | Fox News

26-year-old North Carolina Republican was seen cleaning his gun in the hearing during a roundtable discussion on burn pit exposure.

"I grew up in gun culture, and the thought of cleaning a weapon in front of anyone, let alone strangers, is unthinkable," writer Charlotte Clymer posted. "It's enormously disrespectful. Madison Cawthorn is a grown man who has spent a lifetime under the impression that his efforts are inherently extraordinary. Sad."
"I grew up in gun culture, and the thought of cleaning a weapon in front of anyone, let alone strangers, is unthinkable," writer Charlotte Clymer posted

Sure you did sweetie, sure you did :lol:

What? That is a healthy middle aged women

with no flashing sign that says I am in the middle of a mental health crisis
Wouldn't the correct statement on wikipedia read

"Clymer was raised in central Texas, after moving with his mother from Utah at a young age."

Because he was still a dude at that point?
