[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread v2

State run media CNN Twitter Facebook has been busy throwing rose peddles anywhere Biden goes and to keep trying to fall back to "omg Jan6" for help.

It works for the gullible which apparently is the entire west coast
if you can ignore your stop loss mabye go short on cable. that is why they hire me i am an expert

edit- MAGA

See, that is my point. All we heard was that Biden was a seasoned politician and diplomacy would return - not mean tweets and nationalism.

Except...abandon Americans in Afghanistan...fail to stem the immigrants even after going to their country and saying "don't come here"..and now France.

Its like this guy doesn't know what he is doing.

But Trump....was bad. Sure, OK.

You realize that Pompeo negotiated the Afghan withdrawal with terrorists?

Amateur hour is over, now the real diplomats do their job.
Your brain is as rotten as severeds jumping from foreign diplomacy to domestic policy posting cnn trash links lmao sad!

Democrats control all 3 branches and yet... :rofl:

What's more remarkable is that there doesn't appear to be a "plan B" for Biden and Democrats. The size of these two bills -- in terms of cost and scope -- as well as the time and attention they have drawn from the administration and Democrats in Congress means that there isn't going to be a second bite at this apple if the first one doesn't work. This is it. A one-shot deal.

Looming over all of these machinations are the 2022 midterm elections, which, if history and a handful of recent polling data is any guide, look likely to cost down-ballot Democrats dearly.

The unstated but ever-present concern for congressional Democrats as well as the Biden White House is that if the party fails to pass these major agenda items in the coming week(s), they will lose the chance to do so before the 2022 midterms. And if as expected,

Republicans take back control of at least one chamber of Congress (if not both), the chances of any major legislation like this passing in 2023 or 2024 is essentially nil.

All of which means that unless Democrats can all get on the same page over the next week, Biden's expansive agenda will be doomed. And Democrats' chances of transformational change in how government impacts every day Americans lives will disappear -- maybe forever.
Haaland embraces 'indigenous knowledge' in confronting historic climate change impact

Biden administration's climate policy and Interior Secretary Deb Haaland, the first Native American to hold the job and first indigenous member of a White House Cabinet.
"I can't speak for every tribe or even my tribe, but I can make sure that tribal leaders have a seat at the table," Haaland said in an interview with ABC News Live Prime. "Certainly, in this time of climate change bearing down upon us, that indigenous knowledge about our natural world will be extremely valuable and important to all of us."

"Indian tribes have been on this continent for millennia, for tens of thousands of years," she added. "They know how to take care of the land … that's knowledge that's been passed down for generations and generations."

Amateur hour is over, now the real diplomats do their job.

Nigel Farage on Biden's 'utterly bizarre' meeting with Boris Johnson: Is he actually 'fit' for office?

Former Brexit Party Leader Nigel Farage told "Fox & Friends First" Wednesday that some in Britain are asking if Joe Biden is fit to be in office.

NIGEL FARAGE: What a bizarre spectacle, to see two important world leaders muzzled behind the thickest face masks that could possibly ever been made. So much so it was actually quite difficult to hear anything anyone was saying. But that was the first thing that was utterly bizarre. And I think Boris Johnson and of course, you know, our culture as yours has always been, is that leaders are accountable to the press, from all sides and all opinions, who could ask questions. And I think Boris was completely stunned that the new culture in America, who was supposed to be the leaders of the free world, is that the president doesn't take questions.

So Boris decided to sort of in an impromptu way, try and take a few questions and the White House press team didn't like it and protested. And so we're sort of asking ourselves a question here in the UK this morning. If Joe Biden doesn't take questions from journalists and therefore isn't accountable for what he's doing as leader of America or leader of the free world, we have to ask ourselves a question. Is he actually fit and proper and competent to be doing the job?