[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread v2

They took all that money away from looking for sex offenders to build a shitty fence with Mexico.

A ton of human trafficking occurs via the southern border. Walling off the southern border was the correct thing to do. Cut off the head and the body will die.

Dems do not like that because their food supply gets cut off. Gynocentric death cults are not very pleasant.
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Kill. Them. All.

D.C. needs a fumigation. The U.S. government is like that dumb bitch's hair after she put gorilla glue on it. You can't fix it. There is no simple action that will make it better. It has to be cut off. Culled down to the scalp, its just THAT fucked
That is nothing more than a publicly acceptable excuse for cutting off communication with family members for not being infected with the mind virus. One of my younger brothers now blames Trump and Trumptards for just about everything he perceives as 'wrong'. Same with my mom. I used to think my brother was intelligent but since Trump got elected... not anymore.

Prior to Trump getting elected, I spoke with my brother several times a week. Now? Months.

I have asked him, as well as my mom, to give me 1 example of how their lives has been directly negatively affected by Trump being POTUS and their typical response is, "You must watch FOX news" or "Did you get that from Q?"

When the infected cannot counter an argument, "FOX news" or "Q" or "Nazi" is their 'out' for not responding.

this reads like you've been estranged because you're detached from reality and your family sees you as unhinged.

what's more valuable to you? your relationship with your brother or going down the rabbit hole on the latest fringe theory?
I’m a fan and an artist at the same time, I’m the alpha and the omega, I am the beginning and the end.

"If they say to you, 'Where did you come from?', say to them, 'We came from the light, the place where the light came into being on its own accord and established itself and became manifest through their image.' If they say to you, 'Is it you?', say, 'We are its children, we are the elect of the living father.' If they ask you, 'What is the sign of your father in you?', say to them, 'It is movement and repose." - Jesus
Dang guess Biden was right, Trump wasn't doing his job and his lazy do-nothing racist approach to work is costing lives due to wasted time. 4 more years and Trump might've accomplished as much as Obama did in half a term. They took all that money away from looking for sex offenders to build a shitty fence with Mexico.

You're a moron with the cognitive abilities of a 2 year old and the reading comprehension of a shoe.
this reads like you've been estranged because you're detached from reality and your family sees you as unhinged.

what's more valuable to you? your relationship with your brother or going down the rabbit hole on the latest fringe theory?
Asking people to show me how Trump's policies have had a direct negative affect on their lives in now considered fringe?

Yeah, I can see how you'd come to that conclusion. Totalitarians have a tough time coming to terms that other people do not live, act, and think as they do.
asking that question isn't considered fringe. suggesting ANTIFA intentionally started all the wild fires last year is fringe.

yeah its totally out of the realm of possibility that the group that literally has been destroying property and setting fires for the last 8-9 months would...set a fire
juggs how is your gym training going these days

not bad. just picked up a new treadmill yesterday. My old one finally cooked a board that handles the elevation. It was like 15 or so years old, i got my money out of it.
Paid 1k for this one, but its newer. Still a commercial treadmil

Down 45lbs in the last 2 months, but i've been slipping on diet a little. Now that i have the new tmil (and actually put it in the house) im buckling down again. Shooting to drop another 40 by june (birthday)

How is living on tip money going these days?
Thanks guys. Still a fat fuck. I didn't get fat overnight, not going to lose it overnight. This new work schedule at work is like a late second shift, i don't get off till 2am. Im figuring on doing 2-a-days. Like 5 miles in the morning, 5 in the evening and weight training during the week, alternating between upper and lower body. I don't run. I walk at an incline, so its like 5 miles up hill the whole time

Trying to get my diet nailed down now. I'm pretty much doing keto, but now and then i'll have the occasional complex carbs.

and i luvs me some pizza