[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread v2

Something I'll never understand; why did trump and all of his followers think that Pence could stop or reject the counting of electoral votes?
Was there some particular phrase in the constitution that gave them that impression, or was it just everyone "hearing it from someone" and then when trump repeated it, it felt official?

any takers?
That's just brilliant!

but, I never trusted Pence
I don't trust many in the RINO side of the Republican party
You can check my posts before his 'major role'
That's just brilliant!

but, I never trusted Pence
I don't trust many in the RINO side of the Republican party
You can check my posts before his 'major role'

i'm not sure i see the point you're making. when you say you 'never trusted pence' are you saying that he was in a position to stop the count, but chose not to?
It was some far fetched idea that his position as VP gave him the power within the senate to throw out electoral college votes..etc.

It was a convoluted path of mental gymnastics that never really had any footing

I understand that people thought that, I'm asking where they got the idea
he is Biden's doppelganger

User Clip: Mike Pence Voted for the Iraq War | C-SPAN.org

he is part of the group I've been trying to vote out my entire life

unlike the cnn sheep at the time
These politicians knew the truth
there were no WOMD
and they knew

get that through your head and you can start to see how massive cia/fbi... coercion.. there has to be going on to keep that alive
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He was a member of Congress in that setting.


he could have at least brought up an objection to those states that obviously had cheating going on.

thanks for that.
so if my reading is correct; they were hoping that enough swing state votes would be objected to and those objections would be upheld in a vote.

and then... the states in question would have to re-certify their electoral votes.. or they were hoping the houses would hold their own impromptu votes for POTUS & VP?
thanks for that.
so if my reading is correct; they were hoping that enough swing state votes would be objected to and those objections would be upheld in a vote.

and then... the states in question would have to re-certify their electoral votes.. or they were hoping the houses would hold their own impromptu votes for POTUS & VP?


a myriad of ways

when you hold up a hand
and the person says 'what hand'
you're in the hands of a pilpul artist
a myriad of ways

when you hold up a hand
and the person says 'what hand'
you're in the hands of a pilpul artist

why does the first sentence of your posts always bear no relation to the topic at hand?
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a myriad of ways

when you hold up a hand
and the person says 'what hand'
you're in the hands of a pilpul artist
That's not proof of fraud! Commie kikes said so.

There's no such thing as voter fraud, until there is, and then it's not significant enough, and if it is, then it's on both sides, and if it isn't, then it's not a collaborated effort, and if it is, then it's back to step one, because we all know there's no fraud going on. All of the videos, signed testimonies, mathematical anomalies, and/or statistical impossibilities are all wrong.
That's not proof of fraud! Commie kikes said so.

There's no such thing as voter fraud, until there is, and then it's not significant enough, and if it is, then it's on both sides, and if it isn't, then it's not a collaborated effort, and if it is, then it's back to step one, because we all know there's no fraud going on. All of the videos, signed testimonies, mathematical anomalies, and/or statistical impossibilities are all wrong.

Im gonna play devils advocate here for a second because the amount of bad actors putting out fucking bullshit is at an all time high.

What do you REALLY know about that photo? Were any of those forms even real? Was any of it mailed out? Did some fucking Chi-com or Russian state actor on a subversion campaign print a bunch of forms out and pretend-fill them with random names and addresses from a google maps area code?

There's certainly no proof of voter fraud in that photo, that much is sure.