[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread v2

I dont think there is anything extreme about the pro-life point of view.

If women had no options for contraception, then i could see the point to abortions. There are currently a dozen forms of contraception for women, on top of abstinence. So they have options other than murder, they are just too lazy or stupid to use them and personal responsibility is not in the female vocabulary. Should women have control over their bodies? Absolutely. Should a woman not have a doctor suck the brain out of a pre-born human being and have its body torn apart with forceps because they are too lazy to take a pill or suck a dick? absolutely. If they can't make the proper choice, then the choice should be made for them. Don't like it? Take a pill...buy rubbers, stick it in her ass...
and that wasn't why it was overturned.. The Roe v Wade ruling was a flawed from the start. This was a correction and should have left abortion up to the states
If it was so fucking important, then why didn't the democrats who had been in power all those times between when roe v wade was created and today codify it into law.

Because its not that important to them either, they just want something to bitch about.
The point being a large portion of the conservative don't give a fuck how many babies you kill.. fixing the ruling was paramount
I have seen both sides of this argument for a long time. I used to work security for my mom's clinic where they did abortions. Pro-lifers would come in there every Thursday like clock work and harass the women coming for abortions. Most of them young, poorly educated minorities. They are already scared to death and making a life altering decision, sometimes on their own.

And on the other side, there are the hoodrats who use abortion like contraception. Every month you see the same simple bitches back again for another cleanout and they'll be back in the next couple weeks again.

I think a good compromise is you get 1, maybe 2. Then you're having a baby. The government already considers it a human as well...or people who kill pregnant women wouldn't catch TWO murder charges
A lot of conservatives tend to be religious. A lot of pro lifers tend to be religious. So they two groups tend to venn their way into each other
Pro-life is an extreme viewpoint in the context that it's expressed in a multicultural society. The black sub-species has a shorter average duration of pregnancy and younger fertility than humans do. If a society is multicultural, then pro-life is most definitely going to have a dysgenic effect on that society. Over time, the mean IQ of a society to fall below that which might be needed simply to maintain 1st or 2nd world conditions based on this issue alone.
I dont think there is anything extreme about the pro-life point of view.
You're good with making a women carry a baby to term, and forcing her into the delivery room, and hog-tying her with velcro so she has to undergo labor? Cause I'm not.

What about the 14- year old rape victim that doesn't want a child? Her too?

I do not understand this business of not teaching sex education in schools or offering birth control or allowing kids to transition to a different sex "because they just aren't emotionally mature enough to make those decisions," so instead, "here, have a baby you don't want. Thoughts and prayers."

Nothing about it makes sense.
how the FUCK
does a 14 y/o carry to term
and not abort at > 2months

and if she was 9 months?
(maybe kept in a closet by a <evil> for that time???? what senario warrents late term abortion????)
and 'forced' to give birth/cesarean
and give up for adoption

that's so horrible?

I just think you're trying to keep the UniParty together.

Let's go really extreme.
Women squats down on the street
gives birth
and proceeds to take the baby by the leg
and smash it onto the ground

is that an abortion of cells

ya,,, I do want lines drawn
what month/week
under what conditions

i think very early abortion should be available
and on hand for every women that wants it
the morning after pill is called the morning after pill for a reason

If abortions weren't available so so so late
bitches wouldn't hem and haw about it for so long
Imagine society as a bowling alley and we are the bowlers with the guard rails up. The difference is that we get penalized each time the ball hits the bumper rails.
The real mind fuck comes when we ask the question, "What if we are the ball and not the bowler?".