[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread v2

"We're writing a rule for the ages," conservative Justice Neil Gorsuch, said during the arguments.

Sorry commies
This may take a little time

Anyone looking at the last election clearly will say it was fixed. The vote dump for Biden where Biden got 100% of the votes all at same time at the very end in 3 different states is statistically impossible. I know people don't want to admit that because they are politically retarded.
They're not just politically retarded.

That type of either wilful ignorance absolutely infests the rest of their daily decisions. No one is that dumb in one aspect and doesn't have it carry over to others.
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You missed the
'writing a rule for the ages' part
it won't be black and white

and i'm glad it isn't
I'd rather they do this phony crap
put him in prison...
he's elected
and we do it to ... well
a whole lot of federal employees
you're fired
federal judges
have immunity

but not the President ....

Remember that time Obama drone strikes two Americans?
The entire situation is egregious. We shouldn't be in the position of defending immunity vs witch hunt, but here we are thanks to how far left psychotic Democrats have gone.

"Oh everyone in the government should be potentially sued individually for their votes and/or decisions!"
Great, now we introduce several hundred million lawsuits a year into the system against every single politician.

"They should have immunity from everything!"
Obviously awful as well.

There's no way to regulate it. You can't create a society with perfect laws. The general quality control of the society itself has to be there to help regulate it. Unfortunately, we allowed a fuckton of shitskins into the country, financially incentivized blacks to not have fathers, promoted single motherhood as glorious, and worse is all of the commie kikes we allowed to come over before/during/after WWII. The overall quality of society has dramatically fallen and it's not fixable.