Max Altitude in T:V


Does anyone know what the max altitude in T:V will be? Will it be very limited like in UT2K4 or very high like in T2? Just curious
teh oob grid of each map will determine this... because it is a cube now, it also determines height, as seen in Colosus's TV vid and a few others, most obviously in the "arena" map.
The maximum altitude will be different from map to map. For players, it's pretty much determined by the boundary volume (OOB grid). We've deliberately made the upper reaches of the OOB grid much higher than any player is likely to reach, with the exception of the arena-style maps.

There's also a vehicle flight ceiling, which is usually far lower than the upper reaches of the OOB grid. The flight ceiling is set differently again for each map and is measured in units above the map's origin (0,0,0 co-ordinates).

I know I've already mentioned all this in another thread, but I can't find it...
So could it be possible to hitch a ride on top of a vehicle (a la BF1942 bug) and ride it to the top of the flight ceiling, then DJ off the top to get really high up? Not that this would serve a purpose, but Im just wondering.