Mass Effect 2

First run through I played a Vanguard w/ Garrus and Samara (for most missions). Vanguard gets all the good biotic abilities and charge/shotty rapes.
 If I reached a point where I have the opportunity to hate fuck Jack, does that mean I've already killed my opportunity with Miranda, even if I don't fuck Jack? I'm going to be pissed if some unknown decision at the begining of the game messed up a relationship that doesn't mature until the end. 
You can do it with all of them, all you have to do is tell the current love interest that you are no longer interested.




this is the space battle without upgrades

jacks death is hilarious
Still working through my first playthrough, completing everything. Soldier with Miranda and Mordin for the most part, swapping Mordin for Garrus on Geth missions. Mordin's Incineration Blast is ridiculous, and he's just generally the most entertaining one of the bunch.
Fucking finally finished it, after being unable to play at all for a week (TV died after I had, oh, two hours in on the game. THANKS DLP LAMP). Had to wait for the new TV to show up (oh man, worth it).

Didnt get loyal with Zaaed only, everyone survived the mission, still cant bang my assistant for some reason - did the dinner thing before the suicide mission, but thats it?

Beat it as Soldier, since I like to pew pew with the rifles, pistols, shottys... and FUCK that heavy machinegun upgrade off the collector ship. Its about as accurate and deadly as taking a handfull of shells and just throwing them in the general direction of whatever is trying to kill me. Why god, why didnt I take the sniper rifle?
the assault rifle gets to be pretty good after you upgrade its accuracy. on veteran difficulty, i could kill any enemy except bosses without reloading.
the assault rifle gets to be pretty good after you upgrade its accuracy. on veteran difficulty, i could kill any enemy except bosses without reloading.

Yep, the collector's machine gun is actually pretty bad ass. Burst fire does great mid to long range, and mid to close range, just open fire. With all the upgrades you just shred through enemies.
The Vindicator or whatever is where its at. 24 "round" clip, its a fucking headshot machine. Max upgrades on ARs, maxed out Incendiary ammo - shreds shields, barriers, armor, faces, asses.
I redeemed the dr pepper codes but I can't seem to download helmets. Does it show up under "new content available"

I think I may have created a new bioware/ea account when I already had one... how can I tell?
I redeemed the dr pepper codes but I can't seem to download helmets. Does it show up under "new content available"

I think I may have created a new bioware/ea account when I already had one... how can I tell?

you have to log into the EA account you associated with your gamertag, then it will show up in cereberus network.