Married vs. Single


Veteran XV
Just wondering what the benefits are of being married over being single and vice-versa. With so many failed marriages, why take the chance getting married?

One good thing I could see about being married...if you work, your spouse can stay home and cook and clean. What else?
Tax benefits
Dual income = more spare money, less percentage spent on rent
If you are one of the 50% of marriages that don't end in divorce, then you have a lifelong companion.

Sex with different women
Can fap in the privacy of your own home without worrying about the wife catching you
Can spend any spare money on whatever you want

I'm married. As much as I love my wife, I really miss those single benefits. said:
The ratio of marriages to divorces is 2 to 1 (Marriages and Divorces).
Total Marriages showed a sharp drop in 1998.
Marital Status for Females 15 and over (1950 - 2005) shows that the population of unmarried women will soon surpass the number of married women. This indicates a rejection of the Divine Institution of Marriage by the population.
The number of Unmarried Couple Households (liveins) is increasing steadily.
Where are the children living (with one or two parents) due to divorce? Children living with only one parent has increased from 9% in 1960 to 30% (29.52%) in 2005. Of those 83% of the children live with the mother. This is creating a society of bastards.

Marriage Statistics
i don't think there are any special benefits to marriage, except taxes

but there may be benefits related to being in a long-term relationship
It really isn't a question of "should I get married or should I stay single"

It's about finding the right woman to marry.

If she comes along and you don't fuck up, you'll have a happy life.

If she doesn't, and you don't marry, you'll have a happy life.

If she doesn't and you marry some other woman, you'll have a difficult life and eventually divorce.
The tax benefits from marraige are overstated as far as I'm concerned. We filed married but separate the first few years. It's gotten better, but a few years back, it was considered a tax penalty to be married.

Marraige Benefits:
Sense of belonging
Build a family

Single Benefits:
One Night Stands
No Responsibilities

Those are probably the two things I miss most, can't really think of any real benefits of being single. If you find the right person, marraige far outweighs the andvatages of being single. Some times though, I want to tap some hottie I see out at the bar. And some times I get tired of all the "responsibilities" a family brings with it. (not very often) But, some days I want to come home and just do what I want without anyone (wife, children) demanding my attention.

Most single people get tired of the single life. They want the stable/supportive relationship that comes with a commitment. Married people want the one night stands.

Grass always greener on the other side, huh?

I don't know. Married life is great for me :shrug:. I had a pretty mundane single life. Sure, you have disposable income that you could spend and stuff, but that kind of life is pretty empty.
Something else...if you don't get married and have kids, then you can't have grandkids to come and visit when you get old. You might be rather unhappy growing old and lonely.
bust inside
you've got someone when you go home at night, never really lonely
kids are easier to handle
just having someone to share your life with, sounds corny but it's actually nice
It really isn't a question of "should I get married or should I stay single"

It's about finding the right woman to marry.

If she comes along and you don't fuck up, you'll have a happy life.

If she doesn't, and you don't marry, you'll have a happy life.

If she doesn't and you marry some other woman, you'll have a difficult life and eventually divorce.

i think this is probably the best post in this thread
i don't think there are any special benefits to marriage, except taxes

but there may be benefits related to being in a long-term relationship

Kids to visit and take care of your when you are older. I suppose you can get that without marriage.
I think the married people would win. I mean, 2 vs. 1? The girl could sneak up and hit the single guy on the head with a whiskey bottle.