Married people

Falhawk said:

HK is right though, if you love the woman you're married to you'll actually WANT to spend time with her

:shock: no way

:bigthumb: have to agree i would rather spend time with my wife then play a game. of course i work nights and get all my game play in the morning when she is at work.
yup, used to be a regular thing. "but you're on the computer so much, it's like all that and those other people are more important to you than i am".

Toned it down for a while, lather, rinse repeat until we got two computers, then cable internet with 2 IPs and he was hooked.

It's probably not as bad as what some of what the guys will go through since i'm the female computer "addict" that was dealing with a guy that could be silenced simply with a roll in the hay....back to the computer without any complaints. Some double standards are just meant to be.
marriage + internet = husband in doghouse

My wife (who is a stay at home mother) gets really pissed off at me all the time for being online surfing or playing games, or whatever. I have a hard and fast rule, that I do not do it when the kids are awake, only after they are in bed. But she still gets really REALLY pissed. The fact that she is online for 3 - 4 hours a day while I am at work is no big deal evidently.

The secret is to just completely ignore her.
SniperWhôre said:
marriage + internet = husband in doghouse

My wife (who is a stay at home mother) gets really pissed off at me all the time for being online surfing or playing games, or whatever. I have a hard and fast rule, that I do not do it when the kids are awake, only after they are in bed. But she still gets really REALLY pissed. The fact that she is online for 3 - 4 hours a day while I am at work is no big deal evidently.

The secret is to just completely ignore her.

rofl ignore her? well now she started working, and basically the only time i have to myself and the pc in the morning is today (monday) and every monday. At nights tho is when all my friends are on and we play games, chat, etc... i work on web pages, blah blah blah etc... Now that she started working we might be able to go out and spend money and have some fun, but prior to that... all hell was loose. She would bitch at me for being on the computer all the time and not spend any time with her, i mean its so bad that the computer i did put together for her (nothing big) she got it and threw it on the ground, and the case is all bent,b ut the thing is it still works


When I had a normal sleep schedule, I'd hang with my wife until she went to bed, then get in some PC time. Now that I have a fairly inhuman sleep schedule, I just game and such when she's not home.
nostratic said:
When I had a normal sleep schedule, I'd hang with my wife until she went to bed, then get in some PC time. Now that I have a fairly inhuman sleep schedule, I just game and such when she's not home.
yea thats what im gonna have to do, now that she has to go to bed at 9pm to get up at 5am... ill put her to sleep and just get on the pc till about midngiht or so, i always get up at 7;15 so it dont matter to me, i dont want MY pc to end up like hers did :(