[Map Suggestion] How about BloodGulch?


Veteran X
Here is a suggestion..........

Why not a map called BloodGulch? Its the most popular Halo Map. Instead Of Banshees use Pods. and you also can use the tanks and use the Rovers in place of the Warthog.


Map View:


I like BloodGulch it is an awesome map

Also im willing to put up a poll for people to vote on what vehicles and deployables if any would be in the map if someone decided to make a BloodGulch map

Just a suggestion..........
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I think this could be doable with the map being strethed out a lot more to accomadate the speed of T:V over Halo. Also the flags could just be placed on top of the bases with the invos inside. It would definitely be cool if done properly.
Dream said:
I think this could be doable with the map being strethed out a lot more to accomadate the speed of T:V over Halo. Also the flags could just be placed on top of the bases with the invos inside. It would definitely be cool if done properly.

Agreed but why would the flag need to be outside? Why not leave the flag and inv's inside. And Have NO Mines and No Turrets. Just 1 Inventory Station Inside With Flag.

Just an Idea
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Ya, make it simple.

Little to no deployables, a more difficult to get at flag, leave the pods out.

Just rovers.

Could be lots of fun!

KillerONE said:
Ya, make it simple.

Little to no deployables, a more difficult to get at flag, leave the pods out.

Just rovers.

Could be lots of fun!


Ya you could do that and or just 4 Rovers on each team and nothing else. There is alot of possibilities!
Decepti|<on said:
yeah a halo map would be super fun to ski on guys

lets add as many vehicles as we can too, so we can make it epic.

Lets not forget zero gravity, it wouldn't be epic without that.
Geiss said:
did you forget your sarcasm tags again?

Hey Geiss, Decepti|<on, and Arcanox since you guys going to be ass in this thread you might do us a favor and......

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lol. ofn on the pic, but still... i'm sorta against this map being put into T:V unless it was for something along the lines of arena. i dont see how it could do THAT well for CTF, but hey, i'll give it a chance if someone puts the time in. just sayin i wouldnt do it meself.
What part doesn't look very skiiable? The rolling hills?

It's very Emerald-like in terrain.

Wish I had time/expertise to map it, I would.
the map would play SO well, do you realize how many halo players you could convert, they'd be like, "holy shazbot! its blood gulch!" they'd be absolutely compelled to try tribes.

(well, at least i'd be.)

i remember playing goldeneye maps in cs, probably osme of the best pubbing times i've had, i kept going, holy shazbot holy shazbot! its right its right! we did about 3 hours that first night on it.

edit : vehciles should be rovers, tanks and 1 pod. no bomber.
(i think the original bg has a skidder sorta manta thing? and a tank and jeep., someone else correct me if i'm wrong)

DZEZ have at it.
Amadeu5 said:
Doesn't look very ski-able.

Also, what's beyond those huge (yet tiny from a Tribes standpoint) cliffs?

nothing, just put up a effing brick wall aka map boundry and you stop people from going there, simple as that :closet:
sLoGg said:
nothing, just put up a effing brick wall aka map boundry and you stop people from going there, simple as that :closet:

wait omg no, actually, PUT something there... dont you see?
thats the ETERNAL halo quandry, wtf IS beyond the cliffs. whoever actually makes this map, be a little creative here, show something beyond it, show the players that Tribes is BIGGER and BETTER than your original game.
The thing is...it's a basic map...and T:V can have a lot more interesting maps. Remember that HALO and T:V differ due to armour classes and weaponry.

- 4 Rovers? Sounds like a spawn fest to me. BAD IDEA.
- 2 rovers & 2 Pods? I like, but pods are abused in normal play. Maybe if this was a TOURNY MAP, then yes, it sounds good.
- 2 rovers and one fighter? Hey, sounds cool, cus the big assault is slow, yet, better close up the top of the bases.
- 2 rovers and a tank? Not bad either.

- elaborate the caves on the side of the map that hold pick ups
- make some water
- maybe a few manable turrets depending on vehicles
- make the base unique, yet keeps to the general layout of blood Gultch

Best I could suggest. Yet, I personaly am tired of Halo and H2. H2 especialy due to those cramped maps. Anyway, if you work on it, luck! Just try to maintain some balance. It'd not be too bad to see a basic/generic clasic style CTF map that has some distance between the flags (unlike escalade wich I've recently DLed to be disatisfied.