Making your phone ring. Ever notice?

Falhawk said:
i hate the phone.

if someone calls while I'm doing anything that would make me not want to answer the phone (read: most anything) I don't answer it.

I screen a lot.

same here, I only answer when it's certain friends call (I love caller ID) and sometimes not then either, they leave a message, they know what I am like and accept it...

I also don't like talking (chatting) on the phone, you want to talk come over and talk, have a beer hang out or whatever.

my phone conversations usually consist of my saying things like:
bye, later.

I finally broke down and got a cell phone, got one of those pay as you go, out of the 1000 minutes I bought back in march of last year I still have 808 left on it.

I refuse to own a damn cell phone. Nor do I own a beeper.

If I'm home and near the phone I will answer it & tell you wether or not I feel like talking.