Make a fucked up environment


Veteran XX
Human, Zero G, Naked, Random bursts of acid from the rear

Born at reproductive age, must have sex with self, 1 minute life span, birth of 2 children upon death, finite space, persistent species memory.

U go
Last man on planet populated solely by female supermodels - lost penis in tragic combine accident.
Half earth's gravity; world comprised of spires of broken flint and steep drop-offs; planet populated by pressurized, fat, laptop stealing, blob people.
sitting in spare room gazing slack jawed at yet another thread on TW - can't be bothered to bring life back into check
everyone has an 8 inch penis
if you don't anal rape someone everyday you die
jews and muslims don't get a penis and have to live forever
100 foot tall, immortal, cannot die, burn, does not breath, no feet, no eyes, no arms,
has ears and a mouth
a land where everyone hates themselves and it rains a lot and it's cold and the food consists of fish and potatoes and they used to have royalty but not anymore because they are free
Chiseled from stone, blood made of nitrogen, able to shift between physical and non physical realms, manipulation of matter, manipulation of consciousness, naked at all times, produce no waste, feed directly from the planet, steadily absorb energy (since no waste is made)