Low flying jumbo jet near Manhattan freaks out thousands

I never said it wasn't a really stupid idea. I just think people are blowing it way the fuck out of proportion.

people are saying it was low, so it could be viewed from the side.
people are saying it was close, so it wouldn't have been too hard for a few people in the room to recognize it as AF1.
people are saying they watched it circle three times with a jet up its ass. Logic dictates if it was a threat it wouldn't have made it to a second pass.

Yes it was stupid but it wasn't as big of a deal as people are making it out to be.

A low airplane doesn't necessarily mean 50 feet off the ground, dude. This is a 747, not some prop plane that holds two people. If it's a couple hundred feet off the ground, it's low. Very low. A commercial jet doesn't get that low unless it's on approach.

Yes, it's so easy to recognize it as one of the Presidential Planes that the pictures don't even do it, except when they are zoomed in so it looks like you're practically next to the god damn plane.

This is a horrible argument. If the fucking photos don't show much, what makes you think the people are going to see much more?

As for your whole "It made another pass" argument... are you serious? The F-16 was behind it, in a city that holds, what? 8 million? Something along those lines? Shooting it down, logically, could cause more damage. And that's not even the point. The point is that most of the people problem shit their pants as soon as they saw it, not after they saw it make multiple passes.

In my opinion, it was a pretty big deal. It was stupid. If this is in another city, I think it somewhat less of an issue, but this is New York City, and in the financial district no less. They couldn't have picked a worse spot if they tried.
A low airplane doesn't necessarily mean 50 feet off the ground, dude. This is a 747, not some prop plane that holds two people. If it's a couple hundred feet off the ground, it's low. Very low. A commercial jet doesn't get that low unless it's on approach.

Yes, it's so easy to recognize it as one of the Presidential Planes that the pictures don't even do it, except when they are zoomed in so it looks like you're practically next to the god damn plane.

This is a horrible argument. If the fucking photos don't show much, what makes you think the people are going to see much more?

As for your whole "It made another pass" argument... are you serious? The F-16 was behind it, in a city that holds, what? 8 million? Something along those lines? Shooting it down, logically, could cause more damage. And that's not even the point. The point is that most of the people problem shit their pants as soon as they saw it, not after they saw it make multiple passes.

In my opinion, it was a pretty big deal. It was stupid. If this is in another city, I think it somewhat less of an issue, but this is New York City, and in the financial district no less. They couldn't have picked a worse spot if they tried.

I'm going on what people have said quoted in news articles not shitty cell phone pictures. There are a bunch of people that were quoted saying "it was at eye level" and " it was only a few dozen feet from the building" (stupid construction workers) and some even saying they could identify it as AF1.

Every one is screaming "OMG they were about to hit us." If they were really so close that that is the thought that crossed their mind it was close enough to identify or the person is a completely irrational person.
actually if you kept up on the thread they quoted posts by TW members as the reason we were DQ'd and me not being stern enough with my don't cheat statements. :shrug:
i can't argue with that :(

EDIT: the ugly not the retarded.

I still think its completely irrational that "OMG THEY ARE GOING TO HIT US" is the first thing that crossed every ones mind.
I'm going on what people have said quoted in news articles not shitty cell phone pictures. There are a bunch of people that were quoted saying "it was at eye level" and " it was only a few dozen feet from the building" (stupid construction workers) and some even saying they could identify it as AF1.

Every one is screaming "OMG they were about to hit us." If they were really so close that that is the thought that crossed their mind it was close enough to identify or the person is a completely irrational person.

Yeah... let me tell you something about eye-witnesses - they don't know shit. Ask any attorney. An eye-witness will typically not remember what happened clearly, and in a stressful situation (as this clearly was) they aren't going to be thinking straight.

Pictures tell you a lot more. A witness who says "It's at eye level" could be seeing the plane a few hundred feet away from them, possibly further, likely well beyond the point they could ID the plane. As for them saying "They were about to hit us." that's just ridiculous. This was a stupid stunt, but there was no way the plane was ever that close to any building they were at eye level with. That would take it from being a stupid stunt to an incredibly reckless and dangerous one.

You're looking for reasons to accuse these people of being idiots. You don't need an excuse. People often are idiots, but your argument is certainly putting you with them. For every person who saw the plane and might have gone "Oh shit!" and shit their pants, there were probably other people who saw the plane, went "Oh shit!" and possibly got a better look at the plane, or figured out that something else (not dangerous) was up. Do you really think the media is going to talk to those people? What kind of news story does that make? "Yeah, I saw the plane and freaked out for a few minutes, but then I saw it make a few laps and I realized we weren't in any danger." That's real exciting.

The mayor isn't pissed because he's worried that no one could have figured out what was going on. He's pissed because they didn't even ask him for permission, and there are plenty of people who wouldn't figure it out. I might not like politicians, but I've never mistaken the majority of them for idiots.
Thats basically the argument I am making. It was either close enough(like most news articles are making it out to be) to identify or it was far enough away to not immediately go in to panic mode.

I completely agree the media is only showing the irrational side of the story but there are enough people here taking the same stance that I just have to play devils advocate (idiot perhaps :shrug:).
I thought this plane was coming to ram my car the other day, but turns out it was just landing
telos if you wanted to be outted as a blithering idiot, you could have just said you were in one sentence rather than draw it out in this waste of 7 pages :shrug: