Loser neighbor will come kissing ass for a favor.

Understood, and thank you guys.

I am going to pass on an image that was passed to me by a great teacher.

A rock in the river.

There are times in life when you should be just like the rock. Let everything just flow past you while you stand solid. Things move on and you remain. A constant. No need to pass judgement. No need to exert energy. Just a rock. Peaceful.

I often think of this image when faced with a situation that is fluid, dynamic and short-lived in the big picture. Just hunker down like a river rock and let it go.
idk its this quote by like some dude ppl have prolly never heard of

sun tzu

very esoteric

i think he wrote an art book or something
I am going to pass on an image that was passed to me by a great teacher.

A rock in the river.

There are times in life when you should be just like the rock. Let everything just flow past you while you stand solid. Things move on and you remain. A constant. No need to pass judgement. No need to exert energy. Just a rock. Peaceful.

I often think of this image when faced with a situation that is fluid, dynamic and short-lived in the big picture. Just hunker down like a river rock and let it go.

You're as dumb as a rock so you have a headstart on most of us.
Have you considered suicide again midxe? I know it's not for everyone, but I think it would be a great fit for you. Suicide by sharia hasn't been as fast as you've expected, and MRSA didn't pan out, but maybe more flights through Iran's airspace may work.
Have you considered suicide again midxe? I know it's not for everyone, but I think it would be a great fit for you. Suicide by sharia hasn't been as fast as you've expected, and MRSA didn't pan out, but maybe more flights through Iran's airspace may work.

h8 neighbor drama - i dealt with that a couple of years back and fortunately they moved out. before they moved, i got delivered a BUNCH of important mail for them. i snapped a few photos to keep a record of their names and walked it over to their mailbox.

they tore up the landlord's house when they moved. what a bunch of fucking assholes
I have another suggestion. Tell him to get really high. Then sit him down, put headphones on his head and tell him to listen carefully to this. Turn it up loud and mime it to him while holding a hairbrush as a mic. Post the video from the lounge camera so we can laugh at him.

mitch is a bitch.
