Looking to trade a Undead Horde 70 Mage

Predators Rage

Veteran XX
I have a 70 horde mage with 625+ damage to all schools of magic. With molten armor he has a 29.33% chance to crit with fire. I'm looking to trade that account for an alliance mage. I'd trade even for a level 65+ mage. The character's name is Verrotten (it means to rot in German, he's undead).

The Armory

I'm tired of having a 70 rogue on alliance and a 70 mage on another account on horde. If anyone is interested please let me know by replying back here for shooting me a email at predators-rage@new.rr.com. If you have any questions about the Mage please let me know and I'll answer quickly as I can.
make a sticky that says for Trades/Sales/Account Info check subforums?

or is this request gonna start another argument :p
alliance? wtf would you want to switch to ally lol

My rogue is on alliance. Its pretty frustrating have two 70's but on opposite sides, and on two accounts. But I found out that even if someone traded my horde mage for an alliance mage I couldn't transfer him to my rogue's account anyway. So I'm stuck with two 70's on two accounts :(.