Looking to Buy....


Veteran XV
Starsiege: Tribes - NEW

Tribes 2 - NEW

Starsiege: Tribes Official Prima Guide - NEW

Tribes 2 Official Prima Guide - NEW

Anyone know where i can get these besides Ebay.com
1. Starsiege: Tribes - NEW
2. Tribes 2 - NEW
3. Starsiege: Tribes Official Prima Guide - NEW
4. Tribes 2 Official Prima Guide - NEW

I have 2 brand new (in wrapper) and 4 in good condition with markers for weapons/routes on the map images. 1 is old/used and never had 3.
Thanks for the Real Posts and way to be immature.


PM me with some Pics and Info and how much..cause i can't find them New anywhere.. thanks a lot man
Well I ordered Tribes 2 Best Seller Edition , Tribes 2, and Tribes Action Pak and they where all supposed to be New in Boxes but non of them were and Tribes Action Pak was Opened.. go Amazon.com!!!!

If anyone knows where to get these please help me out with this.
Aside from incredible luck at picking up leftover retail stock from local toy and game stores (online searching might prove easier), try eBay auctions (waiting for the right auction may take some time, too). ** EDIT: actually, eBay looks very promising, with many Tribes items described as "new" -- try it **

Tribes 2 Best Seller Edition? First time I've heard of that.

Off the cuff, GoGamer (item: Tribes 2) has Tribes 2 in a DVD case (never saw one of those before now, either) at $20.

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