Looking for someone to photoshop a few pictures TONIGHT... $50

Looking for someone to photoshop a few pictures TONIGHT... $40!!!!!

My friend wants me to photoshop some pictures. I said I'd do it but then I started drinking and forgot about it.

I'm about to go out so I don't have time to do it, but I don't want to let my friend down.

So if anyone is GOOD at photoshop and willing to photoshop some pictures for me TONIGHT ... do it and PM me the results.

You will receive $40 for your work. It is just 3 pictures. (changed compensation from 40 to 50 because it's just 3 pictures and not 4 like i thought it was going to be)

I could easily do it, just don't have time tonight! thanks

They're pictures of people that need to be touched up.



^ crop the guy on the left out and make the guy on the right look more ripped six pac et


^ take out all double chins


^ remove double chin

first person to PM me with them gets $40 .... and they can't be shitty PS's.

Thanks and goodnight!
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^ crop the guy on the left out and make the guy on the right look more ripped six pac et


^ take out all double chins


^ remove double chin

first person to PM me with them gets $40 .... and they can't be shitty PS's.

Thanks and goodnight!
you should have titled thread "i'm embarrassed to show my other gay friends how unhealthy the boys i've been picking up from craigslist look could you pls fix ty"

or is that too long