Looking for a good minimal warlock ui setup


Veteran XX
topic ^

much appreciate, just hit 80 and wanted a clean interface. Is there anyones out there that have little to no setup besides a few button placements? I've tried like Cherry lite 8 but it still needed heavy setup and looked nothing like the sshots. Or is setup usually required for ui's? First time really trying to change mine.
I use no ui mods at all. Get the requisite mods (dottimer, some threat meter, some raid ui thing).

I make use of macros to let me logically group my abilities under the easiest keys. 2,3,4,5 all have 'shift' macros, and a couple have 'on right click macros' for the hell of it. Other than that, my screen is empty.

I am typically the person who calls out void spots/flame walls/etc, so I like a bare-bones ui. I feel so bad for the healers.