
Claymore 12 is out; Such a good episode and an awesome show altogether. GO CLARE!

Btw Death Note 36 is out, a rogue fan sub company did it, as I predicted earlier. The C&D didn't do shit. I'm downloading it now, should be sweet.

I know this sounds gay but 12 nearly had me cheering by the end. If they do a time skip after 13 and raki (that is his name right?) comes back all grown up it'll officially be the most amazing show ever.
I know this sounds gay but 12 nearly had me cheering by the end. If they do a time skip after 13 and raki (that is his name right?) comes back all grown up it'll officially be the most amazing show ever.
Clearly this is what they're setting up to do which kind of sucks and kind of rocks.

On the one hand, we are more or less guaranteed to no longer have a whiny angst-ridden main character.

On the other hand, the next episode won't be nearly as suspenseful since it's obvious that Claire has to survive to fuck Raki in the future.