lol @ the seasonal tw logo

Someone started a thread about an x-mas TW logo, (think it was Zoph...sigh again). Rayn said he never changes it bc he doesn't give a shit. He just felt like making a Fall one bc he was bored. Someone actually posted a decent one. Rayn used it.

The end.

Except it's the same logo that's been used for years. Colossus posted it in that thread.
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I refuse to believe that shitposter.inda.hood is ranger qualified

He was probably in the motor pool or the kitchen or something
after his shins were blown off, trip was thrown in an iraqi prison, where he had to kill & eat rats. after two weeks he was down to his last rat. he let him live so he could eat his droppings. called it "jungle rice." tasted fine. about September, h was finally thin enough to slip between the bamboo bars. he strangled the guard with a rope made of grated rat-tails, and ran on his knee nubs to safety
read more of his posts - this one is pretty self-explanatory

No, his small head explains his posts, his posts do not explain his small head.

Did they use his dome as a source of spare "head" during the construction of the BadMofostar?