[lol] Some fag tried to e-knight me last night

Because I've been here two months and haven't bothered to pay my rent

I have the money and all so it's not an issue, but apparently you don't pay here, you have to find some head office located like 30 minutes from here and they're only ever open from 10am-2pm (gay German rules)

which 9 times out of 10 is when I have class in a completely opposite direction

so like I said it hasn't been paid yet and I don't need any incident that might convince them to kick me out
I'm just going to call him mr. tough guy and give him my best shiteating grin every time I see him until it slowly eats away at him (being that he's already a pathetic short nerd)

then one day in about 4 years time he'll commit suicide and it will be far more satisfying

Oh really? That's a hell of an admission given how much TW like to mess with people irl.

yeah.. it's not like the people here are unaware

the worst you could do is tell my parents I haven't paid my rent because I told them it's been paid up to avoid stress
Aladdin said:
So long story short there's this 20 year old American boy here. Like every other American that comes to Germany, he's only interested in drinking and parties.

Last night he's all getting drunk as fuck in his dorm room with his friend, shouting and shit. I hear him come busting out of his room and knocking on people's dorm doors. I think to myself, please don't knock on her door. See he keeps hitting on this Ukrainian girl, trying to get her to party with him, and every time she politely declines, but the guy can't take a hint. Problem is he doesn't know her mother died last month, and she's real distraught about it (I know this because my girlfriend is good friends with her).

Anyway, sure enough, the American starts banging on her door, yelling and shit. I step out of my room and see her open the door, standing in tears. As soon as she sees his face she slams the door. Can't blame her, the guy's a douche. So I start to head over to her room to ask her if she wants me to call Jasmine and have her come over, and out of nowhere the American starts getting in my face. Or trying too anyway. I'm not big by any means, but this guy's at least 20cm shorter than me. Guy's wasted, so I stand there while he slurs some shit about me being a dirty Arab, and his buddy Pierre eventually pulls him away. He saunters offs to his room, laughing about something.

So today he's following me around everywhere. Woke up with a "mr. tough guy e-knight" sign taped to my door, keeps following me around saying "hey mr. tough guy! WAY TO E-KNIGHT!" etc. Are all Americans like this?

p.s. wtf does e-knight mean?
It's a shame I'm not American or that story would seem oddly familiar.

Ah well.

also through some e-detective work (and also a carefully placed facebook message) I found out that Ukranian girl was crying because 1) her friends ditched her at some party and 2) somebody ripped down the poster on her door

fabricated post, subtle racially charged remarks, and an underlying theme of empathy.

well played.

edit: obibun aren't you a pan-pan korean american?
stereotypical asian-american youth who doesn't like being the "chinese kid" in america, but feels rejected by his own cultural ignorance of his native country.

so much so you don't even know a derogatory slang for your demographic used in your own country.