Live stream of #OccupyWallSt protest in NYC

I still don't understand what they're protesting against. Are they protesting the fact that they can't get a job?

I'm fairly certain their employment issues might have more to do with the fact that they dress and act like faggot hipsters. They've probably never held a job to begin with.

This protest would be more meaningful if they had the average middle class joe & jane corporate workers out there protesting, but they're not. Instead, it's a rally of hipsters and college kids that have nothing better to do. That's why no one is taking this seriously.

The hipsters are lucky the police decided to show up to give them something to protest against. Otherwise, no one would care about this event.
You're on the internet, you can take 5 seconds and google it.

The only things that I can seem to find are: corporations are bad, banks are bad, greed is bad, capitalism is bad and I can't find a job.

Basically, these people seem to be angry at how the global economy works and want a magical sky wizard to fix it. Did I get most of it?
i think most of the opinions of the people here are pretty pathetic. all i see is a group of people attempting to be politically active, with what i gather from post 1, is a very clear objective:

The protesters seek to persuade President Barack Obama to establish a commission that would end “the influence money has over representatives in Washington.”

i wonder how many cynical shits sat back reading the paper in '63 saying look at these idiots trying to march on washington for change.

power to these guys, even if most of them are pothead losers.
This protest would be more meaningful if they had the average middle class joe & jane corporate workers out there protesting, but they're not. Instead, it's a rally of hipsters and college kids that have nothing better to do. That's why no one is taking this seriously.

there isn't really a middle class in nyc. you have to make over 100k a year to actually be middle class in nyc, and people making that much obviously aren't going to be protesting.
and that's exactly my point. Until you see those people marching and protesting, this rally is meaningless in the eyes of the media.

By this time next year, we'll probably be in another recession. If unemployment picks up, you'll probably start to see some of those people finally marching in the streets.
there isn't really a middle class in nyc. you have to make over 100k a year to actually be middle class in nyc, and people making that much obviously aren't going to be protesting.

um, no... middle class is not over 100k. middle class starts at about 50k.
well in manhattan..where the protests are happening. obviously middle class people in the bronx aren't going to commute in over an hour to protest on wall st.
well in manhattan..where the protests are happening. obviously middle class people in the bronx aren't going to commute in over an hour to protest on wall st.

it's because they have better things to do, not because of the commute.
NYPD Silent On Pepper Spraying Of Downtown Protesters -

NYPD Silent On Pepper Spraying Of Downtown Protesters
By: Erica Ferrari
The New York City Police Department is not commenting about video that shows officers using pepper spray on protestors during the "Occupy Wall Street" demonstration in Downtown Manhattan.
Video of a policeman spraying demonstrators yesterday was posted on YouTube.

Protestors have complained that police used excessive force in trying to contain the crowd that marched from Zuccotti Park near the New York Stock Exchange to Union Square.

Police say about 80 people were arrested, and most were taken into custody for illegally blocking traffic.

Their charges include disorderly conduct, resisting arrest, and in one instance, assaulting a police officer.

Police say the street protest was illegal as the crowd did not have a permit.

Still, many protesters claim the officers used excessive force.

"Officers started taking people who were saying the wrong things or too close to the barricades and just pulling them aside and beating them," said a protester. "And if they resisted arrest in any way, if you did not put your hands right behind your back, they kicked you in the stomach and six officers jumped on top of you and started arresting you as roughly as they could."

"What happened today was unfortunate. But we were being peaceful, nonviolent," said another protester.

“[The officer] grabbed me by my belt and the back of my pants and threw me over a bench," said a third.

Demonstrators are gathering again today in Lower Manhattan for their ninth day of demonstration to protest issues including what they call Wall Street's "close relationship" with Washington.

The NYPD will remain a strong presence by the ongoing protests.

Now, excuse me, I need to take more youtube vids of people instigating fights with middle class union cops with my $900 Canon Rebel DSLR.