Liggyman's Fund - Please Read


Veteran X
Heya, some of you might now him. Liggyman lives in a bad part of Toronto and was recently the victim of burglary.

His comp, his girlfriends comp, his watch and some other valuables were stolen from his residence.

So, if you can, any amount will do, paypal a donation to so he can get back on his feet faster.

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I suggest we get the TW detectives on the case.

Stealing from Liggy should warrant the death penalty!@#
that sucks....too bad hes canadian or i might feel the need to help out, and according to orbital the canadian people are far more generous with their money so i wouldn't wanna break tradition.

plus...i think this is a scam
link_ said:
that sucks....too bad hes canadian or i might feel the need to help out, and according to orbital the canadian people are far more generous with their money so i wouldn't wanna break tradition.

plus...i think this is a scam

i think the vast majority of canadians would ask that you not judge an entire country based on one annoying troll. much like i try not to judge all americans based on guys like Ratbert, $hogun and Kurayami. all countries have their embarassments....
i have 512 pc4000 ram that i may be able to pitch in, its not the best but its definitly good useable.
:heart: liggy

hope everything turns out well

edit: how's Sophie holding up? Any of her stuff get stolen too?
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liggy and sophie's computers were stolen

they have some insurance, which they thankfully got not too long ago

my boyfriend and i were out with them the night they got robbed. i checked back in my irc logs today and it would appear that it happened around 11pm last night (that's when he timed out)

if any of you have any messages you need to pass onto liggy or sophie, drop me a pm on the boards here and i'll pass it along, as they won't have a computer to access for awhile.