Let's get emotional.

u mean the doods that blew up the children and innocent ppl at the boston marathon had beliefs that america is a colonial power trying to take over the middle east and that america had killed more innocents in the middle east than any other type of casualty. LoLya this isnt going to happen again next year or that new tower they built in nyc. the ppl that voted 4 bush have blood on their hands dood now with obama u all got blood on ur hands 2 i wuld not put it past them 2 bomb canada now. and there is a whole generation of young fukin muslim bombers whos parents family way of life religion u killed some of them r mentally ill 2 they gonna get ur children imo

at least if its a dirty nuke maybe things will end quickly and quietly but fuk u kno they gonna bomb some subways and shit now 4 sure

now i am going 2 imagine my fantasy tw conservative hit list u can guarantee if anything happens 2 ppl i love becuz of terrorist i will be sniping u fucks in the head

