Let them build that fucking Mosque

Not according to the planning board who approved it 29-1, whose authority it is to oversee that kind of thing. Whipping up a poll based on mindless fear and hate is not impressive to me.

The man in charge is an ally, not an enemy. It's sickening to watch this.

And in the bigger picture, do you really want the practice of religion to be placed up to a poll, or the due process of law? It's so fucking retarded I can hardly take it. Grow up.

If he is an ally (who doesn't consider Hamas a terrorist organization) and wants to, as he said, heal relations... why does he want to build it in a place where so many people will be offended by it?

p.s., "a few blocks further away from it's proposed location... which is like, one block away and kitty-corner from one of the WTC buildings."
If he is an ally (who doesn't consider Hamas a terrorist organization) and wants to, as he said, heal relations... why does he want to build it in a place where so many people will be offended by it?

p.s., "a few blocks further away from it's proposed location... which is like, one block away and kitty-corner from one of the WTC buildings."
Oh, cut the bullshit. When you thought it was literally at ground zero, you specifically said a couple blocks away would be ok. Now you're just shifting the goalposts around. You can't even see 45 Park Place from ground zero. How far away is far enough for you?
Oh, cut the bullshit. When you thought it was literally at ground zero, you specifically said a couple blocks away would be ok. Now you're just shifting the goalposts around. You can't even see 45 Park Place from ground zero. How far away is far enough for you?

If he is an ally (who doesn't consider Hamas a terrorist organization) and wants to, as he said, heal relations... why does he want to build it in a place where so many people will be offended by it?

p.s., "a few blocks further away from it's proposed location... which is like, one block away and kitty-corner from one of the WTC buildings."

He went through all the proper channels, nobody was offended by it, it was a boon to the community. The fact that's it's being twisted into something negative is the sickening part, it's a community center.

Listen to yourself. "A few blocks away...not a couple! For the children!"

Fuck off, or grow up, or just be less fucking lame, whatever.
lol, I never thought it was literally at ground zero, towering over the deaths of 9/11 firefighters of americuh. I know exactly where it is, give me a fucking break.
No, no you didn't.
65% of NYC doesn't want it there. They just want it built a few blocks away instead... but, I guess that makes them racist.

I'm on the same side as Howard Dean and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, but I'm a racist? wtf?
How is that supposed to make you right?

I never called you racist. I suspect that you're opposing this not because you, personally, are racist. My suspicion is that you're just towing the party line over talking points, many of them crafted to appeal to others that are racist, xenophobic or some combination thereof. But I wouldn't call you racist.
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I don't think you give a damn about firefighters, nice try.

Dem's are suckling Jewish cok for $$$. Who would of thought this could be? They should be tried for sedition since they're not following the tenets of the Constitution or allegiance to the flag.
I think Muslims have a Constitutional right to build Mosques where the want. I think it's odd that this is the first time the left has ever defended freedom of religion, rather than freedom from it, and private property rights.

Just because they legally can, doesn't mean that they should. All I want, and what a majority of America wants, is for them to use a little common sense, a little sensitivity, and build it a few blocks away [from the proposed site].

The wild part is that you don't appear to be joking. Amazing.

Liberals INVENTED private property. Literally.

don't bother - people don't want to think hard enough on here to connect the modern usage of these terms with their origins in western culture. I have tried in the past...
Um, it is a few blocks away instead, and always has been. So I guess you're actually in favor of it after all?

45 park place, NYC - Google Maps

Since when do you care how many people are offended, anyway?

I said, "the left" not "liberals." If you want to argue the semantics of the word liberal, start a new thread. Back to point,

Just because they legally can, doesn't mean that they should. All I want, and what a majority of America wants, is for them to use a little common sense, a little sensitivity, and build it a few blocks away [from the proposed site].

I've explained why I think they should not build there. It's divisive and insensitive. The fact that this has become such a controversial topic is enough proof of that. Why should they build there in that specific spot?
Which specific spot? There are literally dozens of spots within a 2-block radius of WTC. That's a large portion of lower Manhattan right there.

How far any is far enough away for you? Why won't you answer the question?
I was going to do a little liberal bashing but yea, being liberal doesn't have to be left wing.

These plans were approved 5 months ago, it didn't become divisive until some kikes started shrieking about it just recently.

And since we took the hit for what the Israeli's are doing, it strikes me as being QUITE FUKN INSENSITIVE that these kikes are asking us to fuk over the Muslims again. Shouldn't they be just kinda quiet?


Can you believe what their Muslim cleric preached:
The following year, the visiting Imam from Iran gave a sermon about the intifada that was then raging in Israel and the West Bank.

The sermon was a nutty affair that tearfully made the transition from intifada to Holocaust and back again.

Then came the sermon's ending which was unforgettable. The Iman concluded with the words: "To everything there is a season. A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, a time to reap...A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance...."

He then looked up and said: "Now is the time to hate."

Which specific spot? There are literally dozens of spots within a 2-block radius of WTC. That's a large portion of lower Manhattan right there.

How far any is far enough away for you? Why won't you answer the question?
The answers you get will be based on personal preference, and probably wouldn't be a fair answer.

Well lets see, the only real precedence set in this country's history in modern times would be probably pearl harbor.

The japanese consul was there before the u.s., but apparently the u.s. doesnt have a problem with that particular building of goodwill being about 5 miles away from a military installation....similar to the ones that the japanese bombed.

I'd say you could even cut that down to 2 miles..1 mile maybe. But these guys are practically in the blast zone.
But it's perfectly reasonable to compare savage al-Queda to modern day Islam, amirite?

Those savage niggers are obviously just scamming their own kind. Do you even read the articles? The "pastors" charge several months wages to exorcise the demon out of the child. They just randomly pick kids/people and claim they are possessed.

It's nothing but a scam. It has no foundation in Christianity. It's "must not suffer a witch to live," which is Old Testament, which is Jewish.