League of Legends

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anything recently tho? and any single tournament with such a prize pool??

btw, I have never played DotA/HoN/LoL before. How do they compare in skill required / skill ceiling?

theres a 40k, 5k, and a few other ones happening now over the course of a week.

LoL's is 100k over a period of how many months?
happy why are you being so anal + defensive

fuck off and let people play whatever they want

go preach in another thread
holy shit i just played my first real game and LoL has the worst voice acting of any game i have ever played. Seriously, i think i'm going to start playing with the sound completely off.

PS what is the diff between XP and IP?
Xp is experience and only applies to your summoner level (1-30), IP are points that can be used to unlock champions for play any time you want, or buy runes. Both XP and IP are earned only by playing games.

RP is bought by $$$, and can be used to unlock champions, buy skins, and by boosts (% increases in XP and IP earned for games). You cannot buy runes with RP.
can you completely unlock everything about the game (other than pure cosmetics) without paying any $?
im not preaching, lol is a great game (for noobs) :)

this is a fact

both are great but lol is pretty dumbed down for carebears/noobs

edit: yeah i think so happy. runes can only be bought with IP, and champions can be bought with IP or RP($)

and those are pretty much everything in the store except the boosts and skins
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this is a fact

both are great but lol is pretty dumbed down for carebears/noobs

edit: yeah i think so happy. runes can only be bought with IP, and champions can be bought with IP or RP($)

and those are pretty much everything in the store except the boosts and skins

LoL seems more balanced overall.

its dumbed down by no denies, and its less penalizing for dying.. you don't lose gold like HoN. The argument behind denies though is that it doesn't make ranged gods against melee as much in laning phase
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might as well throw my hat in.

wildknight- 19, malzahar/zilean/pantheon/garen/karthas/kennen/heimerdinger (those are my best by order first to last)
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