<Laptops> What to buy?


Veteran XX
Looking to get a couple non-gaming laptops. Mostly used for school stuff. 17" screens and a decent processor and at least 1TB storage, video card not that important. I want solid build quality more than anything. What is the brand to buy now days?
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HP had a black friday sale on a 17" with a 4th gen core i7 and 16gb of ram for $749.
bump because i'm interested too. something in the 15 inch range. Are Asus and Lenovo still the top of the laptop market or is everything pretty similar now.
Thought Toshiba were pretty good?

I'm looking to get a pimped out Lenovo though. Any suggestions too?
Lenovo is good for PCs.. but macs are far and away the best laptops overall. If you can swing it, nothing else compares.