[L4D] Crash Course/Update

Texas Dragon

Veteran XX

Map seems to be pretty glitchy so far. It also has way too many items for survivors. Every two seconds they get more grenades, weapons, gas cans, etc. Oh yeah, it has MORE INVISIBLE WALLS as if the ones from death toll and dead air weren't enough.

I do like the new infected HUD to see recharge timers and such, but this update seems pretty lame other than that. Kind of a half-assed attempt to say "Hey, we're supporting L4D even though L4D2 is coming out!"
Sucks. I don't know where I'm going and every 15 seconds this loud horn sound goes off.
I kinda like it. It glitched for me twice where I got stuck in the map for like 20seconds though.

Just installed it and wow that was way too short. Only 1 safe room between start and finale?

22 minutes vs 40 min games = crap
100 medpacks/guns/gastanks/ = starcraft $$$$MONEYMAP$$$$
Tank gets stuck in a hundred places = ez tankbuster

I'll wait for map revisions and updates (hopefully).
even the quake3 engine looked better than that. Im dling the update now , so far i havent heard any good reviews :|
It's good that it's short. We need more options than the long games.

There are way to many items. Everything is in front of you all the time. There is no incentive to save items or packs. They do have a lot more opportunities for infected though. I think the final event is lame.

I still want to play on a full TW server.
Great maps for infected but a little too short. Already played a game with rushers, and in another game we were kicking some asses team and they hid in a room where SI couldn't touch them. I literally took a dump and came back a few mins later and they hadn't moved.

Oh and fuck the amount of throwable items. I'd never dream of a map where you'd have to pass 5 pipes / molys because you cant find enough times to use them all.
Is it supposed to have the silent hill music come on like every 2 minutes ? Or was i on some gay ass modded server ?