Kuri was right Fuck TW

wow who would have guessed that tehvul would duck off tw before april so that he doesnt have to skirt around that whole album evidence thing he kept saying he would provide

This is too good to be true.

He'll be back. He's a glutton for punishment.

I noticed he added nws tags to his dick pic midway through the thread, meaning he had a change of heart about getting himself banned.

Curious there's no "Last edited by..." on the bottom.
Why were you getting drunk before noon?

Whatcha getting in the mail? Fleshlight?
i've never understood the idea that you can't start drinking till a certain time. fuck if i feel like having a drink i'm going to have a drink.

i'm getting christmas presents from my dad.
What I wanna know is whether that barely 18 girl he claimed he was fucking was just another figment of his imagination or just "Baybi" role-playing a fantasy.
or if - horrifyingly - he found an 18 yearold that was fundamentally retarded to such a degree that she bought the whole record label executive angle