Kids running wild trading pictures

and in the name of protecting the children, many of these minors will be charged as adults and added to the sexual offenders registry for sharing pictures of a minor (themselves), fucking up their lives for pretty much doing what sexually charged and curious kids at school have been doing for ages.

the competition piece is pretty fucked. should be some detentions or expulsions over that.
My children will have no digital privacy. Children cannot be trusted to always make the right choice, even when properly educated.

Cell phone and pc will always be backdoored and monitored until they are 100% legally liable for their own actions (18 years of age).

That being said, I would make sure they have access to information and/or appropriate sexual content to satisfy their sexual curiosities, just not in a way that presents legal liability for their parents/guardians, or social stigmatism because they shared nude pictures of themselves.

I'm happy to give them privacy with their boyfriend or girlfriend in our own home, which is all we ever wanted as kids/teens anyway.
All of them have herpes. They are a bunch of dick pic'ing, pussy posting sexual deviants I tell ya. They don't think about anything other than sex, sex, sex. We should charge them all as adults and throw them away - FOREVER - mu ha ha ha