Kickstarter: Carmageddon: Reincarnation


Veteran XV
If there ever was a bloody-good game...this is it. They're just shy of the 90k needed to make their funding goal.

If you don't remember how awesome Carmageddon is...or never played it, Carma 1 & 2 were simply two of the greatest games, full of carnage, destruction, and running over pedestrians...just total mayhem.

Carma TDR was made by a different company and was shiat...but 1 & 2 had one of the best physics engines ever.

I'd f'ing love to see this get made!

Carmageddon: Reincarnation by Stainless Games » Updates — Kickstarter

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seems like every c level game from 90's is getting its own kickstarter

you faggots are being scammed if you donate to any of them
Damn...I'm the only one that enjoyed that game? :(

I thought running over pedestrians was the shiat back in the early 90's.
when i was a pre pubescent boy i enjoyed these games

but now i have gta and saints row

Can you get a pedestrian electro-bastard ray or pedestrian repulsificator in GTA or Saints Row? Didn't think so.


Ok, so maybe it's possible in Saints Row. It would fit right in with most of the nonsense that goes on in that game now that I think of it. But if so, how the hell do I get either of them?
when i was a pre pubescent boy i enjoyed these games

but now i have gta and saints row

You do realize that if it wasn't for Carmageddon, those games probably wouldn't exist in the form they are today.

Carmageddon was the first game to introduce a whole number of things, including real-time deformation, replays, and a whole mess of other things. It was banned by the BBFC and sold over two million copies which was absolutely incredible for the time.

Have some respect for yer elders! It's gonna be great to play this again with updated graphics. They're not f'ing with the formula like T:A did. Besides, they just recently started the kickstarter thing. They've already invested $300k into developing the game and were going to look for a publisher. They just thought to jump on the Kickstarter bandwagon and do it themselves.

The retail game is only going to be $15 and DRM free, too.
I love Carmageddon. The original and the sequel. TDR is where it went to shit. I may just have to throw some money at this since I really loved Carmageddon and the expansion.
Carma 1 was fun, but it was the Splat Pack that made it all work out...Carma 2 was good but I preferred the sprites and huge open gameplay of the first one.

They're making it similar to the first title with huge, expansive maps and win however you want to gameplay.
That's what I loved about the first one too. I got the game with the expansion pack after having played the demo of it over and over and over. I loved it when I would see "Car Added" pop up on the screen after wasting someone. I still have no idea how that worked. I hated it when the police showed up and just trashed everyone. I also remember the hell level and I think there was a computer with Carma on it in there.