....K...Don't vote for Donald..the Trump

I'm not a part of his campaign and I don't believe that you were wondering if I was.

I can't believe that given his temperament, he really believes he has what it takes to lead the first world. I believe he "ran" just to stir things up, get his brand some more recognition, and have some fun while doing it. I predict he will drop out long before nominating ballots are cast.

oh, you predict he will drop out? so what you are saying is that you don't have a crystal ball that tells you exactly what happens in the future, and you haven't spoken to trump recently.

cool, thanks.

by the way, good luck with your candidate, hillary. i know you really believe that she has what it takes to lead the first world. you're so smart.
I agree with your assessment that he will drop out.

He does have what It takes...look at Obama...he was a blathering asshole when he came in and he is going out as a blathering ass hole as well.

His donation history is questionable regarding $$ to democrats and he shouldn't be trusted.

in short...


thats how business in washington is done. You give money for both, let them bicker about bullshit. meanwhile when a serious issue comes up, like the nature of our money supply or banking regulation, the doors you opened by paying both sides ensures your issue gets 'bipartisan support'. This is why Trump is the only reasonable candidate. A vote not for Trump is essentially allowing Jeb Bush to win, who fundamentally isn't different than Hillary. They have the same donors.
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Only one candidate can win now other than Jeb Bush. Like it or not it is Trump or Bush.

We waited until after the first debate to make this assessment. But it is clear now that Trump is the sole alternative. If Trump is knocked out one by one the others – Cruz, Paul, Walker, Kasich, Rubio, will be dismantled and sent to oblivion. The fix is in. The establishment gets what it wants. Except of course that Donald Trump remains standing.

There are a few other things we want to make everyone aware of. Did you know that Fox News had a plan to evict Trump from the debates physically? It’s likely that Fox News wanted to provoke Trump into an explosion so that they could have armed guards come in and remove him:

They reviewed not just the questions they would ask, but the structure of every query, keeping in mind the constraints of time and the need to avoid repeating topics. As they sorted and re-sorted questions, the unpredictability of real estate tycoon and reality TV star Donald Trump was never far from their minds.

Baier even had a “nuclear option” at the ready for Trump if he ignored all protocol.

The script — which he didn’t have to use — took a page from Trump’s “Celebrity Apprentice” TV show. It went like this: “Mr. Trump in your business you have rules. You follow rules. We have rules on this stage. We don’t want to have to escort you to the elevator outside this boardroom.”

“We’re hoping we don’t have to use it,” Baier said later. “We’re locked and loaded.”

They baited Trump on purpose to then try to evict him.
I agree with your assessment that he will drop out.

He does have what It takes...look at Obama...he was a blathering asshole when he came in and he is going out as a blathering ass hole as well.

His donation history is questionable regarding $$ to democrats and he shouldn't be trusted.

in short...


uh-huh, seems to me it has been conservatives that have been shitting all over everyone. Certainly they've had zero solutions and purposely tried to run the US in the ground.

The New New Deal: Why the GOP Became the Party of No | TIME.com

...as to how he's done. Considering the obstruction he's faced, he's done a good job and the numbers bear that out.

Obama’s Numbers (July 2015 Update)

oh, you predict he will drop out? so what you are saying is that you don't have a crystal ball that tells you exactly what happens in the future, and you haven't spoken to trump recently.

cool, thanks.

by the way, good luck with your candidate, hillary. i know you really believe that she has what it takes to lead the first world. you're so smart.

It's true I don't have a crystal ball; believing in magic is for religious people. :p:

Hillary isn't my candidate. If she wins the nomination, I'll vote for her just to keep out whatever fascist you guys come up with but she's not my first, second, or third choice. I like Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren a lot better.
trump is gonna bail

when you talk this much shit about women, you know you arent winning an election

he lost his show because he cant keep his mouth shut lol
if trump bails i will impersonate him and run in his place. I am totally down to be paid trolling the entire fucking planet. i will need some hair though.
Of course he appeared crazy because truth is stranger than fiction, and the man has been the most stable of all the rinos and progressive neocons running.

He was laughing at Christie..you could see the smirk on this face.

(it was the smirk of holy fuck you are actually using this line during a debate..you are trying to hard)

I was laughing at Christie as if i knew something that Christie did not. Yet I know that Christie in his blustery small tirade ...was...incorrect.
Rand did exactly as he should have. He stood on the Bill of rights.. the 4th Amendment.
Christie attempted to kick away the 4th amendment.

Christie is un-American and should be working for the KGB in russia 1958.
That fat fuck.

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
But but but, Zool!

Christie had to like, arrest TERRORISTS and stuff.

Fuck man, don't you get it?
Paul sucked up to the establishment too much. Licking Mitch McConnell's boots too often. In his debate performance he appeared to be crazier than Trump (which is really hard to do) and his shying away from Christie was pathetic and a sign of weakness.
I think he's playing the cards he has to play extremely well.

For example, no one can stand up there and factually state that "Israel has caused us almost every war in the past century, it's time we cut ties."

There are countless things that he and no one else can say or it'd lose too much of the retard Republican voter block (this doesn't mean Dems aren't retards).

I wish he was MORE bold, like the dumbfuck Trump, but he's doing fine. I have no confidence a Republican will win if it isn't Rand. Hardcore GOPers pander too much to stupid people and will lose the intelligent independents like they did the last TWO elections.