Just got a Verizon ENV2


Veteran XV
Anyone else have this phone? What are your thoughts?

first impression: this phone sucks

Menu system is retarded, web browser is clumbsy, instant messenger is slow as fuck.
What did you buy it for then? Are you incapable of reading a review or looking at it in a store before you stupidly plonk down money?
Verizon keeps trying to make cheap knockoffs of the HTCs and the iPhone and all they end up with is cheap knock offs.
Yeah, I wasn't happy with the selection of verizon phones anymore. So I switched to AT&T and got the HTC Tilt. I love the phone. Unfortunately I lost a little bit in coverage quality, but so far there is only 1 spot I no longer have coverage, and that's at my in-law's. No big deal though.

Think about switching. Better phones, more functionality, and better internet.
Oh wait... that message'll be 25 cents per character please. Payable with the blood of your firstborn...
you should make a zip of all your aria pics/vids...


Yeah, I'll get right on that...